Journal articles
Abankwah. R., Ganamotse, G., Samuelsson, M., Thuso, M. and A. Tibaingana. 2017, The emerging properties of business accelerators: the case of Botswana, Namibia and Uganda Global Business Labs. Journal of entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging economies. Volume 3, Issue 1, January
Söderblom, A., Samuelson, M. and P. MĂ„rtensson. 2016. Opening the black box: Triggers for shifts in business angelsâ risk-mitigation strategies within investments. Venture Capital. Issue 3.
Söderblom, A., M. Samuelsson, J. Wiklund and R. Sandberg 2015. Inside the black box of outcome additionality: Effects of early-stage government subsidies on resource accumulation and new venture performance. Research Policy 44(8): 1501-1512.
Honig, B. and Samuelsson, M. 2015. Replication in entrepreneurship research: a further response to Delmar. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. Vol 3. July p30-34.
Fredriksen, L.,Wennberg, K. & Balachandran, C. 2015. Mobility and Entrepreneurship: Evaluating the scope of knowledge-based theories of entrepreneurship. In Press, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Efendic, N., Andersson, F. & Wennberg, K. 2015. Growth among first- and second-generation immigrant firms in Sweden. In Press, International Small Business Journal.
Elert, N., Andersson, F. & Wennberg, K. 2015. The impact of entrepreneurship education in high school on long-term entrepreneurial performance. . 111: 209-223.
Delmar, F. & Wennberg, K. 2014. Entreprenörskap och ekonomisk tillvÀxt: En kritisk Granskning. . 1: 26-29.
Wennberg, K. & DeTienne, D. 2014. The end is the beginning â or not? A Critical Review of Research on Entrepreneurial Exit. , 32: 4-16.
Toft-Kehler, R., Wennberg, K. & Kim, P. 2014. Practice Makes Perfect: Entrepreneurial-Experience Curves and Venture Performance. In Press. Journal of Business Venturing.
Bird, M. & Wennberg, K. 2014. Regional Influences on the Prevalence of Family Versus Non-Family Start-Ups. In press. Journal of Business Venturing.
Frese, M., D. M. Rousseau and J. Wiklund. 2014. "The Emergence of Evidence-Based Entrepreneurship." Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 38(2): 209-216.
Jenkins, A. S., J. Wiklund and E. Brundin. 2014. "Individual responses to firm failure: Appraisals, grief, and the influence of prior failure experience." Journal of Business Venturing 29(1): 17-33.
Honig, B. and Samuelsson, M. 2014. Data replication and extension: A study of business planning and venture level performance. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. July. Issue 1-2 p18-25.
Autio, E. Pathak, S. & Wennberg, K. 2013. Consequences of Cultural Practices for Entrepreneurial Behaviors. Forthcoming. Journal of International Business Studies.
Wiklund, J., Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K. & Bird, M. 2013. Internal versus External Ownership Transition in Family Firms: An Embeddedness Perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37(6): 1319-1340.
Simmons, S. A., J. Wiklund and J. Levie 2013. "Stigma and business failure: implications for entrepreneursâ career choices." Small Business Economics: 42(3): 485-505.
Wales, W., J. Wiklund and A. McKelvie 2013. "What about new entry? Examining the theorized role of new entry in the entrepreneurial orientationâperformance relationship." International Small Business Journal.
Amezcua, A., M. Grimes, S. Bradley and J. Wiklund 2013. "Organizational Sponsorship and Founding Environments: A Contingency View on the Survival of Business Incubated Firms, 1994-2007." Academy of Management Journal.
Brannon, D. L., J. Wiklund and J. M. Haynie (2013). "The varying effects of family relationships in entrepreneurial teams." Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 37(1): 107-132.
Nordqvist, M., Wennberg, K. Bau, M. & Hellerstedt, K. 2012. Succession in private firms as an entrepreneurial processIn Press. Small Business Economics.
Honig, B. & Samuelsson, M. (2012). Planning and the entrepreneur:a longitudinal examination of nascent entrepreneurs in Sweden. Journal of Small Business Management 50(3): 365-388.
Wennberg, K. Delmar, F. & Hellerstedt, K. 2012. Teknikintensivt nyföretagande och tillvÀxt i branscher och företag. Ekonomisk Debatt, nr 6.
Delmar, F., McKelvie, A. & Wennberg, K. The Relationship between Firm Growth, Profit and Survival? In Press. Technovation.2012
Cardon, M. S., M. D. Foo, D. Shepherd and J. Wiklund (2012). "Exploring the heart: Entrepreneurial emotion is a hot topic." Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36(1): 1-10.
Dahlqvist, J. and J. Wiklund (2012). "Measuring the market newness of new ventures." Journal of Business Venturing 27(2): 185-196.
Wennberg, K., Wiklund, J. Hellerstedt, K. & Nordqvist, M. (2011). Implications of Intra-family and External Ownership Transfer of Family Firms: Short-term and Long-term Performance Differences. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5(4): 352â372.
Pérez-Luño, A. Wiklund, J. and Cabrera, R. V. (2011). The dual nature of innovative activity: How entrepreneurial orientation influences innovation generation and adoption,Journal of Business Venturing,26,5,555-571.
Wennberg, K., Wiklund, J., Wright, M. (2011). Academic Entrepreneurship: Performance differences between university spin-offs and corporate spin-offs. Research Policy, 40(8): 1128-1143.
Delmar, F., Wennberg, K. & Hellerstedt, K. (2011). Endogenous growth through knowledge spillovers in entrepreneurship. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5(3): 199â226.
Bradley, S. W., J. Wiklund and D. a. Shepherd (2011). "Swinging a double-edged sword: The effect of slack on entrepreneurial management and growth." Journal of Business Venturing 26(5): 537-554.
Wiklund, J. and Shepherd, D. (2011). Where to From Here? EOÂ]asÂ]Experimentation, Failure, and Distribution of Outcomes.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,35,5,925-946.
Falkenhall, B. & Wennberg, K. (2010). Företagare i insolvens och misslyckandets stigma. Ekonomisk Debatt, Mars.
Folta, T. B., Delmar, F., & Wennberg, K. 2010. Hybrid Entrepreneurship. Management Science, 56(2): 253-269.
Wennberg, K., Wiklund, J., DeTienne, D.R., Cardon, M.S., (2010). Reconceptualizing entrepreneurial exit: Divergent exit routes and their drivers. Journal of Business Venturing, 25 (4), 361-375.
Wennberg, K. & Lindqvist G. (2010). The effects of Clusters of the Survival and Performance of New Firms. Small Business Economics. 34(3): 221-241.
Wennberg, K. Delmar, F. & Folta, T. (2009). Dynamiken bland företagare, anstÀllda och kombinatörer. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 15(2): 43-54
Stam, E. & Wennberg, K. (2009). The roles of R&D in new firm growth. Small Business Economics, 33(1): 77-89.
Wetter, E. & Wennberg, K. (2009) Improving Business Failure Prediction for New Firms: Benchmarking Financial Models with Human and Social Capital. Journal of Private Equity, 12(2) 30-37.
Wennberg, K. (2009). Knowledge Combinations and the Survival of Financial Service Ventures. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 19(2): 259-276.
Wennberg, K. & Holmquist, C. (2008). Problemistic Search and International Entrepreneurship. European Management Journal, 26, 441-454.
Yar, D. Wennberg, K. & Berglund, H. (2008). Creativity in entrepreneurship education. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(2): 304-320.
Wennberg, K. & Nykvist, B. (2007). The Psychology of Economic Forecasting. Global Business and Economics Review. 9(2): 211-226.
Berglund, H. & Wennberg, K. (2006). Creativity among entrepreneurship students: Comparing engineering and business education. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education, 16(5): 366-379.
Chandler, G., Honig, B. & Wiklund, J. (Forthcoming). Antecedents, moderators, and performance consequences of membership change in new venture teams.Accepted for Publication in Journal of Business Venturing.
George, G, Wiklund, J. & Zahra, S. A. (Forthcoming). Ownership and the Internationalization of Small Firms. Accepted for Publication in Journal of Management.
Wiklund, J. & Shepherd, D.A. (2005). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Small Firm Performance: A Configurational Approach. Accepted for publication in Journal of Business Venturing, 20(1): 71-91.
Delmar, F. & Shane, S. (2004). Planning för the market: Business planning before marketing and the continuation of organizing efforts. Journal of Business Venturing, 19, 768-785.
Delmar, F. & Shane, S. (2004). Legitimating first: Organizing activities and the survival of new ventures. Journal of Business Venturing, 19, 385-410.
Holmquist, C. & Boter, H. (2004). Identifying cultural bases in different organizational contexts: Case studies of three Swedish multinational companies. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 4(3): 355-369.
Delmar, F., Davidsson, P. & Gartner, W. (2003). Arriving at the high growth firm. Journal of Business Venturing, 18, 189-216
Delmar, F. & Shane, S. Does business planning facilitate the development of new ventures? Strategic Management Journal, 24, 1165-1185.
Hamrefors, S. (2003). The attentive organisation. In Critical Eye. Issue June-August.
Wiklund, J., Davidsson, P., & Delmar, F. (2003). What do they think and feel about growth? An expectancy-value approach to small business managersâ attitudes toward growth. Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, 27, 247-270.
Wiklund, J. & Shepherd, D. (2003). Aspiring for and achieving growth: The moderating role of resources and opportunities. Journal of Management Studies, 40, 1919-1941.
Wiklund, J. & Shepherd, D. (2003) Knowledge-Based Resources, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and the Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. Strategic Management Journal, 24, 1307-1314.
Boter, H. & Holmquist, C. (2002). IGA Zeitschrift fur Klein- und Mittelunternehmen. Internationales Gewerbearchiv. Sonderheft 5: 72-83. Internationalisierungsprozesse und die Bedeutung der Branchen.
Davidsson, P. & Delmar, F. (2002). Les entreprises Ă forte croissance et leurs contributions Ă lâemploi: le cas de la SuĂšde 1987-1996. Revue Internationale PME, 14, 163-188.
Davidsson, P. & Delmar, F. (2002). Les entreprises Ă forte croissance et leurs contributions Ă lâemploi: le cas de la SuĂšde 1987-1996. Revue Gestion 2000, 5, 167-190.
Brown, T., Davidsson, P. & Wiklund, J. (2001). An operationalization of Stevensonâs conceptualization of entrepreneurship as opportunity based behavior. Strategic Management Journal, 22, 953-968.
Davidsson, P. & Wiklund, J.(2001). Levels of analysis in entrepreneurship research: Current research practices and suggestions for the future. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 25, 81-99.
Lindgren, M. (2001). Kvinnliga entreprenörer i friskolan: Om entreprenörskap och profession i skapandet av identitet. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, Vol 3, No 1: pp. 32-64.
Lindgren, M. & WĂ„hlin, N. (2001). Identity construction among boundary-crossing individuals. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 17, 357-377.
Wiklund, J. & Davidsson, P. (2001). Zielt unsere Forschung in die richtige Richtung? Der Einfluss der Konzeptualisierung des Unternemertums aud das Forschungsdesign. (Do we research the right things? How the Conceptualization of Entrepreneurship Affects Research Design). Published in German IGA-Zeitschrift fĂŒr Klein- und Mittelunternehmen, 49, 18-31.