Events with the Methods Lab
UPCOMING: MAY 1, 2021 / #DPW2021
Phenomenologies of Presence: Management, Organization & Art-based Experience of Distanced Worlds
In our world in crisis, work and life happen more and more in decentered and remote ways. Social distanciations, ephemeral mobilities, digital mediations, pervade all aspects of our lives (communicating, teaching, managing, loving, creating, justifying…). What happens to Presence in such a world? Is it a rarity, a luxury, a simulacrum or a myth? Can it still be grounded into unique timespaces, co-located meetings happening at the same place, the same time, for long periods? Is there presence in transitional worlds where spaces are neither inhabited nor embodied?
In collaboration with Dauphine Universite Paris, and SSE Art Inititative, we're delighted to bring you the 5th Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop, where discussios about phenomenology and presence will collide with questions of organizing and art in a world in ciris.