Books and Doctoral Dissertations
Lantz, Jenny (2016), Modets död. SÄ förÀndrade internet och finansmarknaden vÄra klÀdvanor, Atlas, Stockholm
Lantz, Jenny (2016), The Trendmakers: Behind the scenes of the global fashion industry, Bloomsbury Academic, London
- Lid Falkman, Lena & Tomas Lid Falkman. (2014). Virtuella Möten - Effektiv GrÀnslös Kommunikation. Lund: Liber.
- Edwall, M (2013) Circus (Photography by Mattias Edwall, text by Emma Stenström), Arena Bokförlag.
- Lantz, J. (2013). Trendmakarna: Bakom kulisserna pÄ den globala modeindustrin. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlas.
- , Lois Ruskai; ; & (ed). (2013).The Embodiment of Leadership. Josey-Bass/Wiley
- StrannegĂ„rd, L. & Pallas, J. (2013). eds. Organization and the Media â Organizing in the Mediatized World. London: Routhledge. (forthcoming)
- Stenström, E. & StrannegĂ„rd, L. (2013). eds. Kreativt kapital: om ledning och organisation i kulturella och kreativa nĂ€ringar [Creative capital â leading and organizing in cultural and creative industries]. Stockholm: 8tto.
- StrannegÄrd, L. & Styhre, A. (2013). eds. Management: An Advanced Introduction. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- NĂ€slund, L. (2012). The Leap of Faith: Creating Trust on Professional Service Markets. Doctoral dissertation. Stockholm: EFI Stockholm School of Economics.
- Barbour, JoAnn Danelo; Gloria J. Burgess; Lena Lid Falkman & Robert M. McManus. (Ed) (2012). Leading in Complex Worlds. Josey-Bass/Wiley.
- StrannegÄrd, L. & Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. (2011). Organisering [Organizing]. Malmö: Liber.
- StrannegÄrd, L. & Dobers, P. (2010). eds. Sustainability and Identity. Special issue of Sustainable Development, No 3, April 2010.
- StrannegÄrd, L. & Pallas, J. (2010). eds. Företag och media [Companies and the Media]. Malmö: Liber.
- Kindstrand, G. & Stenström E (eds) (2009) Force Fields 1994 â 2011, The Foundation for the Culture of the Future, Stiftelsen Framtidens Kultur.
- Lid-Andersson, Lena. (2009) Ledarskapande Retorik - Dag Hammarskjöld och FN:s övriga generalsekreterare som scen för karisma, dygder och ledarideal. Stockholm: EFI
- Jönsson, S. & StrannegÄrd, L. (2009) eds. Ledarskapsboken [The Leadership book]. Malmö: Liber.
- Stenström, E. (2009). Konstiga företag [Arty Business: Popular version of dissertation]. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
- Portnoff, L. (2008) Musikbranschens styrningsproblematik. Forskning i Fickformat. Stockholm: EFI.
- Portnoff, L. (2007) Control, Cultural Production and Consumption: Theoretical perspectives, Empirical Dilemmas, and Swedish Music Industry Practices. Doctoral dissertation. Stockholm: EFI.