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Susanna Molander

Affiliated Researcher at the Center for Arts, Business & Culture

E-mail: susanna.molander@sbs.su.se

Susanna Molander is a researcher and teacher at Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University and affiliated researcher at the Center for Arts, Business & Culture (ABC). She has a background in ethnology and marketing and her research focuses on consumer culture with a particular interest in everyday life and issues related to gender and consumption. 

With the Nordic context as her primary empirical base, she explores how political projects shape the way consumption is enacted. She currently runs a project together with Emma Stenström at ABC on Swedish business women.

Selected publications:


Molander, S. (2011), Mat, kärlek och metapraktik: En studie i vardagsmiddagskonsumtion bland ensamstĂĄende mödrar, dissertation, Stockholm: Stockholm University School of Business. 

Peer-reviewed articles 

Molander, S. (online edition), “A gendered agency of good enough: Swedish single fathers navigating conflicting state and marketplace ideologies,” Consumption, Markets and Culture (forthcoming)

Cappellini, B., Molander S., and Harman V. (Forthcoming). Guest editors to a Special Issue: “Researching Family Life and Consumption: Epistemological Challenges and Advances,” in Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 

Gopaldas, A & Molander, S. (2020): The bad boy archetype as a morally ambiguous complex of juvenile masculinities: the conceptual anatomy of a marketplace icon,” Consumption, Markets and Culture 23(1): 81-93

Del Bucchia, C., Molander, S. & Penaloza, L. (2019) " We've Decided it All Together: How Mothers Empower Themselves in Collaboration With Their Children," Advances in Consumer Research 47, Atlanta ACR.

Molander, S., Kleppe A. I. & Ostberg, J.  (2019), “Hero shots: Involved fathers conquering new discursive territory in consumer culture,” Consumption, Markets and Culture, 22(4): 430-453.

Molander, S. and B. J. Hartmann (2018), "Emotion and practice: Mothering, cooking, and teleoaffective episodes," Marketing Theory 18 (3): 371-390.

Molander, S. (2017), “Not just a mother: embodied and positional aspects of consumer learning from a practice perspective,” Consumption Markets & Culture, 20 (2): 131-152.

Molander, S. (2011), “Food, love and meta-practices: A study of everyday dinner consumption among single mothers” in Research in Consumer Behavior Volume 13, eds. R.W. Belk, A. Muñiz, H. Jensen Schau & K. Grayson. London: Emerald Publishing Group. 

Book chapters 

Molander, S., Ostberg, j. (forthcoming), “The underdog millionaire: How indie producers protect their field-dependent investments in light of success” in the Routledge Companion to Fashion Studies, eds. E. Paulicelli, Adomatis, A.d., Wissinger, E., and Manlow, V. 

Molander, S., Ostberg, J. Kleppe, I. (2019), “Swedish Dads as a National Treasure: Consumer Culture at the Nexus of the State, Commerce and Consumers” in Nordic Consumer Culture, eds. J.Ostberg and S. Askegaard, Palegrave.

Molander, S. (2018), “Swedish single fathers feeding the family” in Feeding Children Inside and Outside the Home: Critical Perspectives, eds. V. Harman, B. Cappellini, and C. Fairclough, Taylor & Francis.

Molander, S. (2017), “The everyday dinner as a practical and communicative arena,” case study in Consumer Behavior: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives, eds. Karin M. Ekström, Mikael Ottosson, Anders Parment, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.

Molander, S. (2016), “From harmony to disruption and inability: On the embodiment of mothering and its consumption,” in The practice of the meal, eds. Benedetta Cappellini, David Marshall and Elizabeth Parsons, Routledge. 

Molander, S. (2012), “What is mothering really all about? And how does consumption fit into the picture?”in Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective 5th edition, eds. M. Solomon, G. Bamossy, S. Askegaard & M.K. Hogg, London: Prentice Hall Europe.  As this is a case study in a pedagogical book, it also includes teaching instructions.