Research Projects
Absolut Art
Exploring the corporate benefits of integrating art, this project follows how Absolut Art has evolved from the 1980’s to the 2010’s.
Keywords: Art Collections, Art & Business, Art as Branding
Researchers involved: Erik Wikberg & Emma Stenström
Aesthetics of Activity-Based Working
Activity-based working has become a popular concept in recent years. Here we focus on the rhetoric and aesthetics of it.
Keywords: Office Design, Organizational Aesthetics, Architecture, Leadership, Rhetoric
Researchers involved: Lena Lid Falkman & Emma Stenström
Architects at Work
Out of a study of nine international architectural offices, we propose a model for how to organize and manage creativity.
Keywords: Architecture, Innovation, Institutional logics
Researchers involved: Emma Stenström, Lars Strannegård & Erik Wikberg
Being Close Far Away: Leadership in Times of Social Distancing
The aim of this ongoing project is to explore how leaders work connection in times of social distancing using photovoice method.
Keywords: Leadership, Connection, Social Distancing, Photovoice, Photography
Researchers involved: Lasse Lychnell
Cultivating Compassion
A study of a compassion-based intervention in two different organizations, one private, for-profit, and one public agency.
Keywords: Compassion, Stress, Compassion Culture
Researchers involved: Emma Stenström & Christina Andersson (KI)
Fikaproject – Methods for Depolarization
An action research project, with the aim to invent new methods to overcome social polarization. Part of U.Lab.
Keywords: Arts-based Methods, Action Research, Depolarization
Researchers involved: Emma Stenström
New Market Logic of Platform Capitalism Plattformskapitalismens nya marknadslogik
The project analyzes digital subscription services and their impact on the Swedish book market.
Keywords: Institutional logics, digitalization, sociology, markets.
Researcher involved: Erik Wikberg
Points of Contact
This photographic project explores the nature of connection through improvisational dance.
Keywords: Connection, Authenticity, Presence, Dance, Photography
Researchers involved: Lasse Lychnell
The Sphere
An action-based research project aiming to develop a platform for self-organization in the performing arts.
Keywords: Circus, Action Research, New Business Models, Self-organization
Researchers involved: Erik Bordeleau & Emma Stenström
Women, Knowledge & Capitalism
Exploring the interplay between gender, education, and capitalism, and the forming of managerial elites, through a socio-cultural lens.
Keywords: Phenomenology, Gender Capital, Management Education
Researchers involved: Susanna Molander & Emma Stenström
Circus & Management
An artistic research project, where we explored circus as an art form and a method in management and business education.
Keywords: Circus, Management, Entrepreneurship, Education
Researchers involved: Emma Stenström (ABC), Tilde Björfors & Camilla Damkjaer (Uniarts).
Finished and reported at and in Stenström, E (2016) “From Profit to Passion: What Business Students Learned from Circus Artists”"
Creativity & Capital: On Successful Architectural and Design Firms
Financial support has been gratefully received from Vinnova.
Keywords: Architecture, Innovation, Internationalization, Ideology
Researchers involved: Sofia Levin, Emma Stenström, Lars Strannegård and Erik Wikberg
Managers, Media and Communication Consultants
Financial support has been gratefully received from Wallander och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse.
Keywords: Media, Communication, Consulting
Researchers involved: Lars Strannegård and Lovisa Näslund
Economy of Senses
Financial support has been gratefully received from Wallander och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse.
Keywords: Aesthetics, Arts Organizations, Cultural Production
Researchers involved: Lars Strannegård and Erik Wikberg
Scentmaking: Exploring value creation in the perfume field
A research project that explored the underlying reasons for the vast structural changes in the perfume field in the 21st century - manifested in the rise of so-called niche perfumery - and the value creation processes in the same field.
Key words: cultural industries, creative industries, senses, perfume, fragrance, perfume industry, cultural and economic translations, luxury industry.
Participating researchers: Jenny Lantz
A popularized publication: Lantz, J. (2020), Norstedts, Stockholm.