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How did we end up here?Governance lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic

You are invited to a CEPR / LSE IGA / SPP webinar, co-organised with SITE at Stockholm School of Economics, hosting a panel discussion with Karolina Ekholm, Jeremy Farrar, Bengt Holmström, Devi Sridhar and Erik Berglöf.

Countries have chosen different strategies for how to address the COVID-19 pandemic. It is perhaps too early to pass definitive judgement, yet it is useful to ask questions about how particular strategies were chosen. What was the allocation of responsibilities? How clear was it? What checks and balances were in place to ensure that the scientific evidence was properly considered and different views of scientists, including social and behavioural scientists, were heard in the process? How did the interaction between the scientific community and policy makers? What was the role of the political process? How transparent were the discussions within and across the various communities? What role did media play? Is there any accountability after the fact?  These are some of the issues we will address in this webinar. We will draw particularly on the UK and Swedish experiences, both outliers of sort, but we will also look at the broader experience.

Thursday 18 June 2020
13:30-15:00 (BST, London), 14:30 - 16:00 (CST)


Informations and registration .