Addressing the Covid-19 Pandemic in Eastern Europe
19 May, 2020
The FREE Network is delighted to invite you to a webinar to share insights and knowledge about how countries around the Baltic Sea, in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus have fared in the Covid-19 pandemic.
- 馃嚫馃嚜 Jesper Roine, Professor at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE / Sweden)
- 馃嚤馃嚮 Sergejs Gubins, Research Fellow at the Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies ()
- 馃嚪馃嚭 Natalia Volchkova, Director of the Centre for Economic and Financial Research at New Economic School ()
- 馃嚞馃嚜 Yaroslava V. Babych, Academic Director at the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University ()
- 馃嚭馃嚘 Tymofiy Mylovanov, President at the Kyiv School of Economics ()
- 馃嚙馃嚲 Lev Lvovskiy, Senior Research Fellow at the Belarusian Economic Research and Outreach Center ()
- 馃咙馃嚤 Michal Myck, Director of the Centre for Economic Analysis ()
- Torbj枚rn Becker, Director of the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE / Sweden)
The webinar opens a series of online discussions aiming to provide a regional overview, updates as well as in-depth analysis of specific topics related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Follow-up webinars will focus on such topics as regional differentiation within countries, effects on the environment, the gender dimension of the pandemic, and the analytical aspects of Covid-19 statistics.
Date: Thursday, May 28th, 15.00-16:30 CET
Location: Zoom webinar, link to be provided for registered participants
RSVP: The number of participants for the webinar is limited, therefore we invite to register as soon as possible, but no later than May 25, 23:59 CET.
Registration link: Please to register.