Organizational experience and performance: A systematic review and contingency framework - 14 Sept 2022
Paper title & abstract:
Markku Maula, Koen Heimeriks & Thomas Keil
Abstract: Organizational experience is generally expected to have a positive effect on subsequent task performance. However, research over the past two decades has recognized an increasing number of circumstances in which the performance effects of experience are less clear or even negative. Given the inconclusive evidence on the nature of the experience-performance relationship, we conduct a systematic review and synthesize previously unconnected streams of literature on the organizational experience-performance relationship into a contingency framework on how the applicability, accessibility, and adoption of experiential knowledge jointly moderate the commonly assumed positive effect of organizational experience on performance in a focal task. Based on our integrative contingency framework, we identify important gaps in our understanding of these boundary conditions and develop a research agenda to expand our understanding of organizational experience effects on organizational performance.
Bio of Markku Maula:
Markku Maula is Professor of Venture Capital, Head of the Institute of Strategy and Venturing, and Deputy Head (Research) of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Aalto University, Finland. His research interests include venture capital, corporate venturing, mergers & acquisitions, and, more generally, the intersections of strategy, entrepreneurship, international business, innovation, and corporate finance. His research has been published in the leading refereed journals in his field, including Academy of Management Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management Studies, MIS Quarterly, Organization Science, Research Policy, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and Strategic Management Journal. He currently serves as Senior Editor of Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. He was the Founding Director of Aalto Ventures Program, has served in many scientific committees and organizations, and acted as an advisor to many firms and government agencies on issues related to his areas of expertise.
This seminar represented an integrative and important part of the House of Innovation's strategy to build a research environment through engagement with prominent guests and their work.
This seminar was part of the Academic Seminar Series offered in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship.

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