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Martin W. Wallin

Affiliated Research Fellow, Professor - Chalmers University

Martin W. Wallin is an Affiliated Research Fellow with the House of Innovation in addition to being a Professor at Chalmers University of Technology’s Department of Technology Management and Economics.

His research focuses on the organizational and motivational implications of open innovation, and he is engaged in emerging phenomena that intersect technology, innovation and organization. His primary interests rest with the challenges companies face when they open up their innovation process to include outside stakeholders. For example, his research covers innovation intermediation in the chemical industry, proactive diagnosis of client problems in the professional service industry and practice-based motivation in open source software development.

Selected Publications

Papers in peer-reviewed journals

Hacklin, F., Björkdahl, J. and Wallin, M.W. 2018. Strategies for business model innovation: How firms reel in migrating value. Long Range Planning, 51(1): 82-110. 

Sandström, C., Wennberg, K., Wallin, M.W. and Zherlygina, Y. 2018. Public policy for academic entrepreneurship initiatives: A review and critical discussion. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43: 1232-1256

Jell, F., Henkel, J. and Wallin, M.W. 2017. Offensive patent portfolio races. Long Range Planning, 50(5): 531-549

Holgersson, M. and Wallin, M.W. 2017. The patent management trichotomy: Patenting, publishing, and secrecy. Management Decision, 55(6):1087-1099.

Trantopoulos, K., von Krogh, G., Wallin, M.W. and Woerter, M. 2017. External knowledge and information technology: Implications for process innovation performance. MIS Quarterly, 40(1): 287-300

Fischer, A., Sieg, J.H., Wallin, M.W. and von Krogh, G. 2014. What motivates professional service firm employees to nurture client dialogues? The Service Industries Journal, 34(5): 399-421.

Alexy, O., Henkel, J. and Wallin, M.W. 2013. From closed to open: Job role changes, individual predispositions, and the adoption of commercial open source software development. Research Policy, 42(8): 1325-1340.

Hacklin, F. and Wallin, M.W. 2013. Convergence and interdisciplinarity in innovation management: A review, critique, and future directions. The Service Industries Journal, 33(7-8): 774–788.

Wallin, M.W. 2012. The bibliometric structure of spin-off literature. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 14(2): 162-177.

Sieg, J.H., Fischer, A., Wallin, M.W. and von Krogh, G. 2012. Proactive diagnosis: How professional service firms sustain client dialogue. Journal of Service Management, 23(2): 253-278.

von Krogh, G., Haefliger, S., Spaeth, S. and Wallin, M.W. 2012. Carrots and rainbows: Motivation and social practice in open source software development. MIS Quarterly, 26(2): 649-676.

Vie, O.E., Wallin, M.W. and von Krogh, G. 2011. Integrasjon i hybride organisasjoner gjennom omsorgsfulle ledere. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 13(1): 46–66. (In Norwegian, English translation: Integration in hyper-text organizations through caring managers).

Sieg, J.H., Wallin, M.W. and von Krogh, G. 2010. Managerial challenges in open innovation: A study of innovation intermediation in the chemical industry. R&D Management 40(3): 281-291.

Wallin, M.W. and von Krogh, G. 2010. Organizing for open innovation: Focus on the integration of knowledge. Organizational Dynamics 39(2): 145-154.

Dahlander, L. and Wallin, M.W. 2006. A man on the inside: Unlocking communities as complementary assets. Research Policy 38(8): 1243-1259.

Wallin, M.W. and Lindholm Dahlstrand, Å. 2006. Sponsored spin-offs, industrial growth and change. Technovation 26(5-6): 611-620.

Peer-reviewed book chapters

Wallin, M.W., von Krogh, G., Sieg, J.H. 2018. A problem in the making: How firms formulate sharable problems for open innovation contests. In C. Tucci, A. Afuah and G. Viscusi (Eds.). Creating and capturing value through crowdsourcing. Oxford University Press. 

von Krogh, G. and Wallin, M.W. 2011. The firm, human capital, and knowledge creation. In A. Burton-Jones and J.-C. Spender (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital. Oxford University Press.

Lindholm Dahlstrand, Å. and Wallin, M.W. 2008. Internal venturing: sponsored corporate spin-offs in Sweden. In P. Pellenbarg and E. Wever (Eds) International Business Geography. Case studies of corporate firms. London: Routledge.

Nouira, S.S. and Wallin, M.W. 2007. Non-strategic spin-offs: The use of corporate venturing in developing and supporting nascent ventures. In A. Groen, R. Oakey, P. van der Sijde and S. Kauser (Eds) New Technology-based Firms in the New Millennium. Volume V. Elsevier.

Policy and practitioner papers

Dahlander, L. and Wallin, M.W. 2020. Why Now Is the Time for “Open Innovation”. Harvard Business Review.

Dahlander, L. and Wallin, M.W. 2018. The barriers to recruiting and employing digital talent: Observations based on a dozen industrial firms in Europe. Harvard Business Review.

Björkdahl, J., Wallin, M.W., Kronblad, C. 2018. Digitalisering – mer än teknik.  Kartläggning av svensk forskning och näringslivets behov. Vinnovarapport VR, 8.

Björkdahl, J., Fredberg, T., Wallin, M.W. 2017. Digitalisering i svensk stål- och Metallindustri: Utmaningar, möjligheter och förändrade förutsättningar (Digitalization in the Swedish steel and metal industry: Challenges, opportunities and changing conditions). Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology.

Björkdahl, J., Fredberg, T., Wallin, M.W. 2017. Digitalisering i svensk stål- och metallindustri: Styrelsens roll och arbete (Digitalization in the Swedish steel and metal industry: The role and work of the board). Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology.

Hacklin, F., Battistini, B. and Wallin. M.W. 2013. The limits of industry-centered strategic thinking in an era of convergence.

Knechtli, B. and Wallin, M.W. 2009. Co-creating service innovation with clients and staff – The PwC innovation factory. In P. Wolf, S. Kazi, P. Troxler and R. Jonischkeit (Eds.) Supporting Service Innovation through Knowledge Management. Knowledgeboard.

McKelvey, M., Magnusson, M., Wallin, M. and Ljungberg, D. 2008. Forskning och kommersialisering – vad är problemet? (In Swedish, English translation: Research and commercialization – what is the problem?). In M. Benner and S. Sörlin (Eds) Forska lagom och vara världsbäst. Sverige inför forskningens globala strukturomvandling. SNS Förlag (Centre for Business and Policy Studies).


Wallin, M.W. 2013. Opening Innovation: Processes and practices to innovate beyond firm boundaries. Habilitation thesis in management. Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Wallin, M.W. 2007. Innovation outside: When spin-off firms and developer communities change the boundaries of the firm. PhD thesis in technology management. Department of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

Wallin, M.W. 2005. Managing spin-offs from large firms. Licentiate thesis in technology management. Department of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

Kihlberg, A.C., Svan, Å.L. and Wallin, M.W. 2002. Designing for corporate venturing: Linking strategic, organizational and operational issues. Master thesis in industrial engineering and management. Department of Technology Managment and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.