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Johan Frishammar​

Affiliated Research Fellow, Professor - Luleå Institute of Technology

Johan Frishammar​ is a full professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Luleå University of Technology and an Affiliated Research Fellow at the House of Innovation at Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden. His ongoing research projects address the role of pilot- and demonstration plants in technology development, sustainability transitions, circular business models, innovation measurement, inter-organizational collaboration for innovation and innovation policy formulation. This research is financed by Vinnova, Formas, the European Union, and other funding bodies, and is often conducted in close collaboration with leading industrial firms such as LKAB, Ericsson, Volvo, SCA, Scania and others.

Johan's research is published in California Management Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Research Policy, Long Range Planning, Journal of Cleaner Production, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, R&D Management, Technovation, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Business Research and others.

Johan teaches innovation management, strategy, business development and scientific methods to business and engineering students and supervise at the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels.

Selected Publications

Hullova, D., Lazcko, P. and Frishammar, J. (2019). Independent distributors in servitization: An assessment of key internal and ecosystem-related problems. Journal of Business Research (accepted for publication)

Sjödin, D., Frishammar, J. and Thorgren, S. (2019). How individuals engage in the absorption of external knowledge: A process model of absorptive capacity. Journal of Product Innovation Management (accepted for publication).

Frishammar, J. and Parida, V. (2019). Circular business model transformation: A roadmap for incumbent firms. California Management Review (accepted for publication)

Söderholm, P., Hellsmark, H., Frishammar, J., Mossberg, J., Hansson, J. and Sandström, A. (2019). Technological development for sustainability: The role of network management in the innovation policy mix. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 138: 309-323.

Frishammar, J., Söderholm, P., Hellsmark, H. and Mossberg, J. (2018). A knowledge-based perspective on system weaknesses in technological innovation systems. Science and Public Policy (in press).

Frishammar, J., Cenamor, J., Cavalli-Björkman, H., Hernell, E. and Carlsson, J. (2018). Digital strategies for two-sided markets: A case study of shopping malls. Decision Support Systems 108: 34-44.

Richtnér, A., Brattström, A., Frishammar, J., Björk, J. and Magnusson, M. (2017). Creating better innovation measurement practices. MIT Sloan Management Review 59(1): 45-53.

Hellsmark, H., Frishammar, J., Söderholm, P. and Ylinenpää, H. (2016). The role of pilot and demonstration plants in technology development and innovation policy. Research Policy 45(9): 1743-1761.

Eriksson, P-E, Patel, P., Rönnberg-Sjödin, D., Frishammar, J. and Parida, V. (2016). Managing interorganizational innovation projects: Mitigating the negative effects of equivocality through search strategies. Long Range Planning 49(6): 691-705.

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