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2016 Conference

Development, Trade and Investment

Stockholm China Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics and China Center for Economic Research & National School of Development, Peking University 

Stockholm 26-27 August 2016

Conference Venue: The Ohlin Lecture Room, 5th Floor, Stockholm School of Economics

Download Call for Papere here

Download Conference Program here


Conference Program

Friday 26 August

08:30 – 09:00 Registration

09:00 – 09:15 Opening Remarks

09:15 – 10:35  Session 1  

Session Chair: Anders C. Johansson, Stockholm School of Economics

FDI, Trade Credit, and International Transmission Liquidity Shocks
Shu Lin, Fudan University
Haichun Ye, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Discussant: Dan Liu, Stockholm School of Economics & Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Productivity, Exporting and Financial Constraints of Chinese SMEs
Johannes Van Biesebroeck, KU Leuven & CEPR
Discussant: Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall, Ratio Institute & Södertörn University

10:35 – 11:00  Tea/Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:20  Session 2  

Session Chair: Kalina Manova, Stanford University & University of Oxford

FDI and Urban Inequality: Evidence from Chinese Cities
Anders C. Johansson, Stockholm School of Economics
Dan Liu, Stockholm School of Economics & Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Maosheng Zhen, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Discussant: Yanrui Wu, University of Western Australia

Interregional Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Urban-Rural Income Inequality in China's Inland Provinces
Chunlai Chen, Australian National University
Yanrui Wu, University of Western Australia
Discussant: Michael Funke, Hamburg University

12:20 – 13:50  Lunch

13:50 – 15:10 Session 3

Session Chair: Xiaobo Zhang, Peking University & IFPRI

Managing Trade: Evidence from China and the US
Nick Bloom, Stanford University
Kalina Manova, Stanford University & University of Oxford
John Van Reenen, London School of Economics
Stephen Sun, Peking University
Zhihong Yu, University of Nottingham
Discussant: Andreas Fuchs, Heidelberg University

How Do Firms Respond to Political Tensions? The Heterogeneity of the Dalai Lama Effect on Trade
Faqin Lin, Central University of Finance and Economics
Cui Hu, Central University of Finance and Economics
Andreas Fuchs, Heidelberg University
Discussant: Loren Brandt, University of Toronto

15:10 – 15:40  Tea/Coffee Break

15:40 – 17:00 Session 4

Session Chair: Loren Brandt, University of Toronto

Roads to Inventory: Market Expansion and Input Sourcing Cost Reduction
Xu Wang, Peking University
Rui Zhang, Peking University
Xun Zhang, Beijing Normal University
Discussant: Xiaobo Zhang, Peking University & IFPRI

E-Commerce Expands the Bandwidth of Entrepreneurship
Ruochen Dai, Peking University
Xiaobo Zhang, Peking University & IFPRI
Discussant: Xun Zhang, Beijing Normal University


18:00-20:30 Dinner


Saturday 27 August

09:15 – 10:35  Session 5

Session Chair: Michael Funke, Hamburg University

The Allocation and Effectiveness of China's R&D Subsidies - Evidence from Listed Firms
Philipp Boeing, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
Discussant: Xiaodong Zhu, University of Toronto

Structural Change and the Dynamics of China-US Real Exchange Rate
Yong Wang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Juanyi Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Xiaodong Zhu, University of Toronto
Discussant: Philipp Boeing, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)

10:35 – 11:00  Tea/Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:20  Session 6

Session Chair: Xiaodong Zhu, University of Toronto

China's Aid and Investment in Africa: A Viable Solution to International Development?
Yu Zheng, Fudan University
Discussant: Örjan Sjöberg, Stockholm School of Economics

Capital Freedom, FDI and Growth in China
Karl Blom, Ratio Institute
Ari Kokko, Copenhagen Business School
Christer Ljungwall, Copenhagen Business School
Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall, Ratio Institute & Södertörn University
Discussant: Johannes Van Biesebroeck, KU Leuven & CEPR

12:20 – 12:30 Closing Remarks

12:30 – 13:30  Lunch