Green Finance - time to scale!
If we are to succeed with delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 trillions of dollars of private investment will be needed.
“Green Finance” is a fast growing phenomenon that aligns finance sector incentives with the global development agenda through finance and investment opportunities in environmental solutions.
There is both tremendous policy momentum to engage private capital to deliver on the Paris agreement and the SDGs. There is also much demonstrated leadership within the finance sector, not at least in Sweden. Yet, actual capital redeployment remains distressingly low.
Mistra Financial Systems (MFS) together with the UNEP Inquiry for the Design of a Sustainable Financial System invited the finance sector, government, regulatory bodies and academia to a discussion around hurdles and opportunities and how Green Finance can scale on December 14 2016.
Speakers: Simon Zadek, UNEP Inquiry, Gustav Martinsson, MFS, Åke Iverfeldt, Mistra, Christoffer Falsen, TRINE.
In the panels: Klas Eklund, SEB, Johan Florén, AP7, Magnus Cedergren, Sida, Gunnela Hahn, Svenska kyrkan, Karin Reuterskiöld, Danske Bank, Carl Hall, Green Venture Capitalist and Björn Bergström, Kommuninvet,
Two new reports were launched:
&Բ;“” by UNEP Inquiry.
&Բ;“Finance and Innovative Investment in Environmental Technology: The Case of Sweden” by Mistra Financial Systems.
More info about the seminar here.
TV interview from the seminar with Cecilia Repinski, Mistra Financial System: "Därför är grön finans viktig". (In Swedish):
Tv interview with cecilia repinski (in Swedish)
TV interview from the seminar with Johan Florén, AP7: "Det önskar sig investeraren av politikerna". (In Swedish).