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Misum Forum 2020: Academic and project references

Speakers at the Forum presented on a broad range of topics connected to inequalities and investments during the pandemic. Resulting panel debates, conversations and audience questions underscored the need for scientific evidence-based response strategies and the centrality of business resilience for navigating out of the crisis. You can access the specific academic articles below:

Misum, Affiliate Researchers (2020). SUSTAINABILITY, COVID-19 AND STAYING FOCUSED ON THE LONGER TERM. Available online as a preprint from “Sweden Through the Crisis“, Stockholm: SIR (forthcoming). 

  • The article explores the negative consequences of social distancing, lockdowns of economies and related governmental responses to the health crisis. It argues that a more holistic picture must be kept in mind when navigating out of the crisis. It discusses two important challenges posed by the pandemic for the ongoing transition towards more sustainable markets: an increase in inequality and the abandonment of strategic investments into sustainability - which kicked off the theme of this year's forum. 
  • Björkman Nyqvist, M., Halling, M., Rebermark, M., Strömsten, T. (2020). . This popular article written for the World Economic Forum was based on the above Misum Affiliate article.


  • Radhika Jain and Pascaline Dupas (2020). The Effects of Indias COVID-19Lockdown on Critical Non-COVID Health Care and Outcome (Working paper available at: )
  • Elston, J.W.T, Cartwright, C. , Ndumbi P. and Wright, J. (2017). The health impact of the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak. Public Health 143, 60-70.


  • Angrist, N., Bergman, P., Brewster, C., & Matsheng, M. (2020). Stemming Learning Loss During the Pandemic: A Rapid Randomized Trial of a Low-Tech Intervention in Botswana. Available at SSRN 3663098.
  • Andrabi, T., Daniels, B., & Das, J. (2020). Human Capital Accumulation and Disasters: Evidence from the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005.  http://doi. org/10.17605/OSF. IO/3QG98.
  • Bandiera, O., Buehren, N, Goldstein M, Rasul, I. and Smurra, A. (2020) Do School Closures During an Epidemic have Persistent Effects? Evidence from Sierra Leone in the Time of Ebola, mimeo.
  • Muralidharan, K., Singh, A., & Ganimian, A. J. (2019). Disrupting education? Experimental evidence on technology-aided instruction in India. American Economic Review109(4), 1426-60.


  • Mattias Nordqvist and Sarah Jack (2020). We are Family. Article in SSE ‘Sweden Through the Crisis’ Report available at hhs.se)

Project links:

  • RECIRCULATE (2020).Project website available . 
  • ERICC Project (2020). . Project website available .


  • Ruoke Yang and Iva Koci (2020). Socially Conscious Investors: Mitigating Stock Market Losses During the COVID-19 Crash. (Working paper)
  • Robin Döttling and Sehoon Kim (2020). Sustainability Preferences Under Stress: Evidence from Mutual Fund Flows During COVID-19. (Working paper)
  • Kai Li et al. (2020). The Role of Corporate Culture in Bad Times: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Working paper)
  • Caroline Flammer and Ioannis Ioannou (2020). Strategic Management During the Financial Crisis: How Firms Adjust their Strategic Investments in Response to Credit Market Disruptions. (Working paper)
  • Bower, J. L. (1970). Managing the Resource Allocation Process, Richard D. Irwin, Homewood, IL.
  • Busco, C., Giovannoni, E., & Scapens, R. W. (2008). Managing the tensions in integrating global organisations: The role of performance management systems. Management Accounting Research19(2), 103-125.
  • Goretzki, L., & Kraus, K. (2020). Balancing Diagnostic and Interactive Controls. In Sweden through the Crisis, Stockholm School of Economics.
  • Hopwood, A. G. (2009). The economic crisis and accounting: Implications for the research community. Accounting, Organizations and Society34(6-7), 797-802.
  • 't Hart, P., Rosenthal, U., & Kouzmin, A. (1993). Crisis decision making: The centralization thesis revisited. Administration & Society25(1), 12-45.
  • Kano, L. (2018). Global value chain governance: A relational perspective. Journal of International Business Studies49(6), 684-705.
  • Kano, L., & Hoon Oh, C. Global value chains in the post‐COVID world: Governance for reliability. Journal of Management Studies.
  • Lund, S., Manyika, J., Woetzel, J., Barriball, E., Krishnan, M., Alicke, K., Birshan, M., George, K., Smit, S., Swan, D. and Hutzler, K. (2020). Risk, Resilience, and Rebalancing in Global Value Chains. McKinsey Glob
  • March, J. G. (1991). Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization science2(1), 71-87.
  • Quattrone, P., & Hopper, T. (2005). A ‘time–space odyssey’: management control systems in two multinational organisations. Accounting, organizations and society30(7-8), 735-764.
  • Silverthorne, S. (2020). Has COVID-19 Broken the Global Value Chain? Harvard Business School. Available at https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/has-covid-19-broken-the-global-value-chain (accessed 27 May 2020
  • Simons, R. (1995). Levers of Control (Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Van der Stede, W. A. (2011). Management accounting research in the wake of the crisis: some reflections. European Accounting Review20(4), 605-623.
  • Weick, K. E. (1988). Enacted sensemaking in crisis situations [1]. Journal of management studies25(4), 305-317.