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New study suggests financial giants can have a pivotal role for climate stability

Banks, pension funds and other institutional investors have a key role to play in efforts to avoid dangerous climate change. This is the message of a new study by Victor Galaz, researcher in Misum´s MFS program, and his team from Stockholm Resilience Centre. The study was published in the latest issue of Global Environmental Change.

Financial institutions, such as banks and pension funds, have a key role to play in efforts to avoid dangerous climate change. And it is not only about redirecting investments to renewable energy and low-carbon businesses, but also to bolster the resilience and stability of the Brazilian Amazon and boreal forests in Russia and Canada, two known ‘tipping elements’ in the Earth system. Such tipping elements have also been referred to as ‘Sleeping Giants’, because once “awakened” they can have pivotal impacts on the global climate by becoming large-scale emitters of carbon dioxide, as opposed to storing carbon in soil and vegetation.

This is the message of a new study published in the latest issue of Global Environmental Change.

“In contrast to standard approaches in green finance, we elaborate the ways in which  financial actors are linked to economic activities that modify large ecosystems of key importance for stabilizing the planet’s climate,” explains author Victor Galaz, deputy director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University.

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