Systems thinking, tipping points and the future of sustainable finance
Systems, tipping points and cascades - the future of sustainable finance?
How can systems thinking help the financial sector on its path towards sustainability? In the second episode of the MFS series, researchers from the MFS workstreams 'Green Macro' and 'Policy' discuss recent research on the influence of financial systems on our complex Earth system. Kicking off with a primer on systems theory, they then address key global tipping elements and the role of investments in maintaining the planetary system’s capacity to remove CO2. The final talk focuses on the need to shift the economics paradigm from mainstream market perspectives to the "going concern" perspective, defined by interrelated networks of interactions between sectors.
- , Deputy Director Stockholm Resilience Centre, SU and Senior Academy Research Fellow KVA
- , Equitable Transitions Program Director Stockholm Environment Institute
- Moderated by: , Founder and host, podcast
You can find references and resources mentioned in the webinar here.