PRME: Principles for Responsible Management Education
To further strengthen and show its commitment to the process of integrating ethics, responsibility and sustainable development into all of SSE’s educational programs, and to make an existing and proven system our school’s tool, in 2013 the school became a signatory to PRME. This is the global United Nations initiative to inspire responsible management education, research and thought leadership. The idea of developing a principle-based global engagement platform for academic institutions follows from a recommendation by all academic stakeholders of the UN Global Compact and is a cooperation between the UN and the academic world.
As a signatory, SSE is involved in the ongoing process of implementing the , with the school filing its first PRME Sharing of Information Progress (SIP) report in July 2015. Operationally, Misum administers the SSE PRME effort.
PRME encourages business schools to examine their education and operations in relation to seven principles – and report on these every two years. The seven principles are: purpose, values, teach, research, partner, practice, and share. As a key integrity measure, the main objective of the SIPs is to serve as a public vehicle for information on responsible management education. In addition to reflecting on the principles, they set two-year goals.
Find the report for 2021-2023 here.
For more info, please contact Lukas Goretzki, SSE PRME Director.