Collective visibility 鈥� Leveraging the power of women in sports
DATE & TIME: Thursday March 7th, 17:30–20:00
PLACE: Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65
Moderator: Professor Martin Carlsson-Wall, Director of the Center for Sports & Business
17:30: Registration and Coffee
18:00: Welcome Address
Anna Iwarsson, President of the Swedish Confederation of Sports
18.10: The Collective Visibility Project: The birth of a global movement
Vanessa Åsell Tsuruga, Founder and Project manager of Collective Visibility
18.30: Tjejmilen and the emergence of women's races and their relevance today
Lotta Lindblom, Director, Event Operations of Marathongruppen & Lisa Beskow, Communications manager of Marathongruppen
18:50: Break
19.10: Collective Visibility within the sport agent community
Interview with Nina Wennerström, Founder of WeSport
19.25: Panel: How can Swedish sports contribute to the Collective Visibility Project?
Andrea Möllerberg, General Secretary of the Swedish Football Association & Hans von Uthmann, President of the Swedish Olympic Committee
19.50: Collective Visibility through dual careers
The Management Diploma for Athletes at the Stockholm School of Economics
A light meal will be served in the SSE Atrium after the event
Here's the link to the full invite: