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Collective visibility 鈥� Leveraging the power of women in sports

Sport is a global phenomenon affecting millions of people all over the world. Yet, men dominate in many sports. Male stars make more money, male sport executives often hold the power and in many conferences, men sit on panels and are invited as keynote speakers. In this event we celebrate the collective visibility of women.By sharing best practice and describing pioneering events, we aim to leverage the power of women in sports. Join us at the Stockholm School of Economics to debate these issues, network and learn from each other.


DATE & TIME: Thursday March 7th, 17:30–20:00

PLACE: Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65 




Moderator: Professor Martin Carlsson-Wall, Director of the Center for Sports & Business

17:30: Registration and Coffee

18:00: Welcome Address 

Anna Iwarsson, President of the Swedish Confederation of Sports 

18.10: The Collective Visibility Project: The birth of a global movement 

Vanessa Åsell Tsuruga, Founder and Project manager of Collective Visibility 

18.30: Tjejmilen and the emergence of women's races and their relevance today 

Lotta Lindblom, Director, Event Operations of Marathongruppen & Lisa Beskow, Communications manager of Marathongruppen 

18:50: Break 

19.10: Collective Visibility within the sport agent community

Interview with Nina Wennerström, Founder of WeSport 

19.25: Panel: How can Swedish sports contribute to the Collective Visibility Project? 

Andrea Möllerberg, General Secretary of the Swedish Football Association & Hans von Uthmann, President of the Swedish Olympic Committee

19.50: Collective Visibility through dual careers

The Management Diploma for Athletes at the Stockholm School of Economics 

A light meal will be served in the SSE Atrium after the event 


Here's the link to the full invite:


Sports and Business SIR Gender Inequality