MIRAI 2.0 Japanese-Swedish Joint Kick-off and Scientific Webinar, 7-8 October 2020
Wednesday, October 7
10.40-11.10 (CEST) Keynote speaker – Innovation Q&A corner
Professor Hiroaki Suga, The University of Tokyo / Founder of PeptiDream Inc.
11.10-11.55 (CEST) MIRAI Project (1.0) Speakers – Q&A corner
- Innovation-Entrepreneurship
- Materials Science
- Sustainability
- Ageing
11.55-12.00 (CEST) Closing address, Executive Vice President Kohei Miyazono, The University of Tokyo
Thursday, October 8
9.00-10.30 (CEST) Medical Perspectives from Sweden and Japan
- COVID-19 research at Hiroshima University, Prof. Hidetoshi Tahara, Hiroshima University
- Suddenly at risk-Older adults’ experiences of everyday life during COVID-19, Dr. Sofi Fristedt, Jönköping University
- Overview of COVID-19 in Japan and Nagoya City, Prof. Tetsuya Yagi, Nagoya University
- A bioinspired exosome-like COVID-19 vaccine developed from engineered bacterial membranes, Prof Jan Lötvall, University of Gothenburg
10.30-12.00 (CEST) Policy and Management Perspectives from Sweden and Japan
- COVID-19 and Sweden’s exceptionalism. A spotlight on the cracks in the social fabric of the mature welfare state, Prof. Malin Rönnblom, Kalstad University
- COVID-19 from a Japanese policy and economic perspective, Prof. Shunsuke Managi, Kyushu University
- COVID-19 and Academia – How the pandemic affected Swedish HEI, Prof. Hans Adolfsson, Vice-Chancellor, Umeå University
- Post COVID-19 and HE under new normal conditions, virtual educational tools and improving quality assurance of education, Prof. Aiji Tanaka, President, Waseda University
Background of MIRAI:
?MIRAI is an academic consortium that was initiated based on the discussion at the "Japan-Sweden University Presidents’ Summit" in October of 2015, to strengthen academic exchanges and research collaboration between Sweden and Japan.
?MIRAI Project was adopted as a pilot project of the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) and was launched in 2017 as a three-year project. From 2017-2019 seven Swedish and eight Japanese Universities joined together in the MIRAI Project; ‘Connecting Swedish and Japanese universities through research, education and innovation’.
MIRAI 2.0 Members:
Member universities agreed to expand the number of participating universities by inviting other Swedish and Japanese higher education institutions to join. Currently there are 8 universities from Japan and 11 universities from Sweden participating in MIRAI 2.0.
Japan - Hiroshima University, Hokkaido University, Kyushu University, Nagoya University, Sophia University, The University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Waseda University
Sweden - Jönköping University, Karlstad University, Linköping University, Linnaeus University, Luleå University of Technology, Lund University, Örebro University, Stockholm School of Economics *, Umeå University, Universtiy of Gothenburg, Uppsala University
*Associate member