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EJARN Conference 2024 Program

The European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) will hold its annual conference entitled "EU and Japan in the Indo-Pacific" at the Institute of International Relations Prague in cooperation with the European University Institute and Metropolitan University Prague, June 14-15.

EJARN Conference 2024 Program in PDF

Thursday (June 13, pre-conference)
18:00-19:00 Football match at the Na Františku football pitch
(https://maps.app.goo.gl/jAvdQX1EUkbEs1hM8) - come if you like

20:00 Dinner and drinks (more info will be provided later)

Friday (1st conference day)
9:00-9:15 Introductory remarks, Michal Kolmaš, Marie Söderberg and H.E. Mr. Kansuke Nagaoka (Ambassador to CZ)

9:15-10:15 - Marco Bonetti (EEAS), Kei Koga
Chair: Michal Kolmaš
Discussant: Giulio Pugliese

Christopher Hughes - Japan’s Defence Industrial Strategy and Fighter Aircraft Production:Striving for Tier-One Status

Giulio Pugliese and Marco Zappa - Walking on the Footsteps of Abe Shinzō? Japan’s domestic and international politics in 2023

Paul Midford - The Nexus of Security and Renewable Energy and EU-Japan Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Chair: Eva Liias
Discussants: Paul O'Shea, Tsuyoshi Kawasaki

12:00-13:00 - Lunch

Paul O'Shea - US-Japan Friendship

Tsuyoshi Kawasaki - The Trilateral Alliance Dilemma among the United States, Japan, and Europe

Guangyu Qiao-Franco (w/ Aleš Karmazin and Michal Kolmaš) - The Indo-Pacific and the Next Phase of ASEAN Centrality

Chair: Axel Berkofsky
Discussants: Kei Koga, Paul Midford

14:30-15:00 - Coffee break

Bart Gaens - Japan’s “strategic partnership diplomacy”: Empty rhetoric or crucial geopolitical tool?

Åsa Malmström Rognes - Japan’s approach to economic security and what it means for Asia and Western partners

Patrik Ström (w/ Richard Nakamura and Claes Alvastam) - Institutional dynamics shaping EU-Japan economic relations

Chair: Guangyu Qiao-Franco
Discussants: Ra Mason, Annette Skovsted Hansen

16:45-17:30 EJARN meeting

19:00 Dinner for all participating guests (place TBA)

Saturday (2nd conference day)
Ra Mason - Tracing the Money Trail: Okinawa as a key site of regional economic competition

Eva Liias - EU-Japan trade relations: EPA in practice, a view from Estonia

Annette Skovsted Hansen - Sharing Places, Persons, and Knowledge: Building the alliance between India and Japan through private sector training programs

Raymond Yamamoto - Serbia’s Relation to Japan: Explaining a friendship beyond material gains
Chair: Marie Söderberg
Discussants: Patrik Ström, Åsa Rognes

Conference received financial support from the Toshiba Foundation and the European University Institute, and is co-organized by Institute of International Relations Prague and Metropolitan University Prague.