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EJARN Conference 2021: New Research on EU-Japan Relations

The European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) Conference takes place in cooperation with GEAS at Freie Universität Berlin and is funded by Toshiba International Foundation. Due to the pandemic, access on site is not possible. Interested audience can register digitally by 24 November 2021.


for the EJARN Conference 2021
European Japan Advanced Research Network: Networking Meeting

New Research on EU-Japan Relations

Thursday, November 25

09:00 h           Registration

09.30 h           Opening

Marie SÖDERBERG (Stockholm School of Economics)

10:00 h           Session 1: EU-Japan Economic Relations

Chair: Marie SÖDERBERG (Stockholm School of Economics)

Japanese economic engagement with the EU: geoeconomics meets business

Patrik STRÖM (Stockholm School of Economics), paper is co-authored with Richard Nakamura (University of Gothenburg), and Claes G. Alvstam (University of Gothenburg) 


10:45 h           Coffee break

11.00 h           Session 2: Japanese Foreign Policy and the Indo-Pacific

Chair: Verena Blechinger-Talcott (FU Berlin)

Shifting Alliances in the Indo-Pacific?


Japan’s Strategic Communications Push: Impact of the Free and Open Indo-Pacific

Giulio PUGLIESE (European University Institute, Oxford University)                


12.30 h           Lunch Break

13:30 h           Session 3: The Impact of the House of Representatives Elections on Japanese International Relations and EU-Japan Relations (Roundtable)
Chair: Verena BLECHINGER-TALCOTT (FU Berlin)

Panelists: Guibourg DELAMOTTE (INALCO), Chris HUGHES (University of Warwick), Marie SÖDERBERG (Stockholm School of Economics)

14:30 h           Session 4: Trends in East Asian International Relations
Chair: Paul MIDFORD (Meiji Gakuin University)

A Near Miss at Armed Conflict Between Japan and Korea in 2006 : New Evidence

Paul MIDFORD (Meiji Gakuin University)

China, Taiwan and the US-Japan Alliance

Axel BERKOFSKY (University of Pavia)


16:00               Coffee break                 

16:30               Session 5: Media Perspectives

Chair: Patrik Ström (Stockholm School of Economics)

Japanese-German Relations : New Challenges in the Scholz-Kishida Era

Shogo AKAGAWA (Nihon Keizai Shinbun)


17.15 h           End of Day 1


Friday, November 26

09:30 h          Session 6: What is on the Japane Desk at EEAS?

Chair: Marie SÖDERBERG (Stockholm School of Economics)

Intervention by Beatriz PEREZ DE LA FUENTE (EEAS)

Session 6: Topics in Japan-EU Comparative Research

10:00 h Session 7: Topics in Japan-EU Comparative Research

Chair: Dick STEGEWERNS (University of Oslo)

Care-led innovation : The case of elderly care in France and Japan

European and Japanese Approaches to Digital Development Assistance

Maaike OKANO-HEIJMANS (Clingendael Institute), paper is co-authored with Wilhelm VOSSE (International Christian University)


11:00 h           Coffee break

11:30 h           Session 8: EJARN Business Meeting

Chair: Marie SÖDERBERG (Stockholm School of Economics)

13:00               End of Conference