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EJARN Conference 2019


Date: June 7-8, 2019

Location: Inalco (room 5.18) 

(National Institute of Oriental Studies), 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris


A colloquium organised by IFRAE

Institut fran?ais de recherche sur l'Asie de l'Est/ French Institute on East Asian Research

with the members of EJARN – the Europe-Japan Advanced Research Network

with the generous support of the Toshiba International Foundation


Conference Program

Day 1 Politics and economics – Friday 7th June


9:15 arrival of participants (coffee)

9:45 opening speeches from Chairperson of EJARNs Executive Committee, Marie S?derberg and from Guibourg Delamotte


10:00 opening interventions

Yoshihiro Higuchi, Minister, Head of the Communication and Culture service, Japan Embassy

Frédéric Grare, Advisor, Indian Ocean, Policy Planning staff (Centre d’analyse et de prévision), French Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs (the French concept of Indo-Pacific)

With the attendance Christile Drulhe, Head of East Asia Division, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs


11:00 Panel 1: Politics and policies (Chair: Guibourg Delamotte)

T.J. Pempel, Professor, University of Berkeley: “Japan, Domestic Politics, and the Quad: A Regional Trade Order and Indo-Pacific Security”

John Nillson-Wright, Senior Lecturer, University of Cambridge (populisms in Asia)

Arnaud Grivaud, Post-doctoral student, Paris-Diderot University, “Promoting Women in the Bureaucracy. A comparison between Japan, France and the United Kingdom.”


12:15 Panel 2: Economic challenges compared (Chair: John Nillson-Wright)

Sébastien Lechevalier, Professor (directeur d’études), EHESS: “Work Style Reform, Productivity Improvement, and Well-being at Work. A French-Japanese perspective”

Patrick Str?m, Senior lecturer, Head of Department, Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, “Japanese FDI in Sweden – implications of EU-Japan economic relationship and technology upgrading”


13:00-14:30 lunch break (coffee from 14:00)


14:30 Panel 3: International cooperation (Chair: Axel Berkofsky)

Marie S?derberg, Professor, Stockholm School of Economics, “Japan?s Cooperation with the EU in the Nexus of Development and Security”

Annette Skovsted-Hansen, Professor, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University “Japanese involvement in the capacity building of Tema Port in Ghana”

Céline Pajon, Research Fellow, Ifri: “The Franco-Japanese partnership in Africa, four years after the Joint Action Plan”


16:00-16:30 Round-table discussion on politics and economics (Chair: Ian Neary)


(EJARN General Assembly – for EJARN members)



Day 2 Foreign relations and security – Saturday 8th June


Arrival from 9:40 (coffee)


10:00 Opening talks

Roland Honekamp, Desk Officer Japan, European External Action Service

Fabien Fieschi, French MoFA, General directorate on administration and modernization of the Ministry; formerly served as the French embassy’s First secretary and as Minister counsellor of the EU Delegation in Tokyo.

Taguchi Seichiro/Masaki Yasushi or other representative(TBC), Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Policy Division


10:40 Panel 1: EU-Japan economic and strategic partnership agreement: how to proceed and what to expect from here? (Chair: Marie S?derberg)

Kumiko Haba, Professor, Aoyama gakuin, “Will the EU-Japan EPA drive world trade after BREXIT?”

Tsuyoshi Kawasaki, Political Science Department, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada “Grand Strategy and Europe-Japan Cooperation”

Marylène Gervais, PhD applicant, Paris Panthéon-Assas, “The European Union and Japan as normative powers: from rule-takers to rule-shapers?”


11:40-13:00 Panel 2: Japanese and European defence policies (Chair: Axel Berkofsky)

Yoshihide Soeya, Professor, Kei? University, “Constitutional Revision Going Astray: Article Nine and Security Policy”

Christopher W. Hughes, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), Professor of International Politics and Japanese Studies, University of Warwick, “Hiding in Plain Sight? Japan’s Militarization of Space and Challenges to the Yoshida Doctrine”

Marianne Péron-Doise, Research Fellow, IRSEM, “EU and Japan maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean”

Paul O’Shea, PhD, Assistant Professor, Lund University: “The United States-Japan Alliance and the Role of the US Marines in Okinawa in Extended Deterrence"


13:00-14:30: lunch break (coffee from 14:00)


14:00-15:40 Panel 3: Security issues in East Asia (Chair: Guibourg Delamotte)

Jeffrey Hornung, Rand Corp. (Washington DC), “Japan's leadership in the international system”

Kimie Hara, Professor, University of Waterloo, “Japan and the West: Back to the Future in East Asia”

Paul Midford, PhD, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, “Overcoming Security Isolationism: Japan’s Promotion of East Asian Security Multilateralism Since 1991”

Axel Berkofsky, Professor, University of Pavia, “Quality Infrastructure”

15:40- approx.16:00 Round-table discussion on Defense and IR (Chair: Christopher Hughes).