European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN)
KAS-EJARN Conference, 8 November 2019
"The EU and Japan - Really getting things done?"
EJARN Conference 2019, June 7-8, Institut fran?ais de recherche sur I’Asie de I’Est / French Institute on East Asian Research, Paris France
"The Future of European Union-Japan Relations: Common Challenges, Common Responses"
KAS-EJARN Conference, 13 September 2018
"EU-Japan Agreement - What Now?"
EJARN Conference 2018, June 8-9, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
EJARN Conference 2017, June 9-10, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Japan Futures Initiative (JFI) and
European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN)
Joint Conference
Japan's Future:
International Reflections on the Prospects for a "New Meiji" Transformation
Date: 11-12 December 2016
Venue: Narita View Hotel, 700 Kosuge, Narita-shi Chiba, Japan
EJARN Conference 2016
"European-Japan Relations: Settled bilaterally or governed by influences from US and China"
June 16 - 17, Warwick University, UK
EJARN Conference 2015
"The EU and Japan: State, Obstacles and Prospects of Political and Economic / Trade Relations"
June 4 - 5, University of Pavia, Italy
EJARN Conference 2014
"Approaches to Renewable Energy and Energy Security in Europe and Japan, Political and Economic Dimensions.”
June 16 - 17, Trondheim, Norway
EJARN Conference 2013
"Towards stronger and deeper relations
between Japan and the EU"
June 24 - 25, Paris, France
A Proposal for a Way Forward
EU-Japan Cooperation at the Nexus of Security and Development
Date: 13 February 2013
Venue: Delegation of the European Union to Japan
Europa House
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and the European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Japan organized a debate with
- Alojz Peterle, Member of the European Parliament, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia
- Kuniko Inoguchi, Member of the House of Councillors (LDP)
- Misako Yasui, Member of the House of Councillors (DPJ)
and other distinguished European and Japanese experts.
After EJARN and the KAS realized their shared strong interest in analyzing Japan's role in international politics and security, they, together with several Japanese partners, jointly initiated a project for generating ideas to further Europe-Japan cooperation at the nexus of security and development. Over the last year we held three conferences with various partners, including the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in Europe and Japan.
The results of the project have now been published and its policy recommendations has been presented.
EJARN Annual Workshop 2012
June 14 - 15
Stockholm School of Economics
This year’s conference organized by the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) in cooperation with the European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) once again took up the theme “Japan – What’s Next?”
Like last year, the first day was devoted to progress on EU-Japan relations on both the political and economic levels.
The second day of the conference was more of a traditional academic workshop with in-depth discussion.
You may find the program and the detailed report from the Conference.
EJARN Conference 2012 Report
Conference on "Addressing Local Conflicts Before They Turn Global: Japan - EU Cooperation"
In cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Date and Time: February 21, 2012, 10:00 -
Venue: JICA Research Institute, International Conference Hall
10-5 Ichigaya Honmuracho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
This conference was held as part of a KAS-EJARN joint project “The Nexus of Security and Development,” which started in 2011 to analyze and evaluate obstacles and potentials for European-Japanese cooperation in such areas as post-conflict reconstruction, stabilization and development of conflict-affected countries. The project’s aim was to facilitate dialogues between European and Japanese stakeholders by organizing series of conferences in Berlin, Tokyo, and Brussels.
The conference was opened by Madame Sadako Ogata, President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, and H.E. Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, Ambassador of the European Union to Japan.
EJARN Annual Workshop 2011
June 9 - 10
Stockholm School of Economics
The conference “Japan – What’s Next?”, organized by the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) in cooperation with the European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN), was very timely.
It came only two weeks after the 20th EU-Japan Summit in Brussels where the Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan met with both Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council and Mr. Jose Manuel Barosso, President of the European Commission. At that meeting, new steps for strengthening the EU-Japan Relations were announced.
The summit leaders agreed to start parallel negotiations for:
? A Free Trade Agreement/Economic Partnership Agreement addressing both tariff and non-tariff issues
? A binding agreement, covering political, global and other sectoral cooperation in a comprehensive manner, and underpinned by their shared commitment to fundamental values and principles
These two groundbreaking agreements became the main topics for discussion at our conference.
The first day was dedicated to bringing together business leaders, officials and scholars.
The second day of the conference was more of a traditional academic workshop with in-depth discussion.
You may find the program and the detailed report from the Conference.
EJARN Workshop 2011 Program
EJARN Workshop 2011 Report