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European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN)

Mission Statement

EJARN is the only European integrated academic initiative for promoting policy relevant research on Japanese politics, economics and security, and European-Japan relations.

Japan is searching for a new set of international partnerships and Europe is without doubt a crucial component of Japan’s international strategies. However, Europe and Japan have yet to develop a degree of measurable co-operation matching their ambitions towards each other, towards their respective regions and globally. 

EJARN offers in-depth expertise for identifying specific policy areas where Europe and Japan can achieve measurable results.

? EJARN provides a European-wide research space integrating scholars from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, from the Iberian Peninsula to Eastern Europe.

? EJARN brings together internationally recognized researchers with Japan-related expertise in the following areas: Business, Finance and Trade, International Security, Environment and Climate Change, Innovation and Science, International Development Assistance, Policy-making, Regulatory Institutions, Migration, Demographic Transformation and Social Policy.

? EJARN takes multi-disciplinary perspectives, with particular emphasis on politics and economics inviting both orthodox and unorthodox methodologies and approaches

? EJARN scholars are equipped with amongst others:

a. strong Japanese language skills and extensive field research experience in Japan
b. strong collaborative networks with Japanese scholars and policymakers
c. peer-reviewed international research output

? EJARN implements its research agenda through policy briefings, academic research papers, contributions to electronic and print media and holding of academic and policy-oriented conferences and seminars

EJARN seeks to develop academic and policy relevant research on Japan and European-Japan relations through engagement with academia, the EU, the government of Japan, individual European national governments, business enterprises and NGOs.

EJARN’s ambition is to establish itself as centre of academic excellence.