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Research Workshop Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data

From May 6 to May 7, the Center for Sports & Business hosted its third research workshop Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data. The workshop featured Juliane Reinecke, Professor at University of Oxford, with a keynote.

From May 6 to May 7 the Center for Sports & Business hosted its third research workshop titled "Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data". The goal of the workshop was twofold. First, to help management scholars develop papers leveraging sports contexts. To do so, researchers with publishing experience using sports data and journal editors will provide developmental feedback on early ideas and working papers accepted for the workshop. Second, to develop and strengthen a community aiming at furthering management research using sports data.

Keynote from Juliane Reinecke 

The two-day workshop included, in total, three paper sessions, two early idea sessions, as well as two idea generation sessions. Participants included, among others, Fabio Fonti (NEOMA Business School), Fabrizio Castellucci (Bocconi University), Felix Arndt (University of Guelph), Jan-Michael Ross (Imperial College London), and Norman O'Reilly (University of New England). 

Topics that were discussed during the research workshop included sports washing, rivalry, incentive systems, as well as climate change.

Felix Arndt, University of Guelph 


Third Paper and Idea Development Workshop "Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data" 

May 6 

13:00-13:10 - Introduction, Martin Carlsson-Wall (Director, Center for Sports & Business, SSE), Fabio Fonti (NEOMA Business School & Fellow, Center for Sports & Business, SSE) and Felix Arndt (University of Guelph & Fellow, Center for Sports & Business, SSE)

13:10-13:40 - Keynote, Juliane Reinecke (University of Oxford Said Business School & SHL Visiting Professor Center for Sports & Business, SSE)

Paper Session 1 

13:40-14:05 - Presenter: Geppert et al. (soccer). Discussant: Felix Arndt

14:05-14:30 - Presenter: Robertson et al. (NBA, WNBA). Discussant: Fabrizio Castellucci

14:30-14:55 - Presenter: Grohsjean (soccer). Discussant: Patrick Hallila

Moderated by Norm O'Reilly

14:55-15:10 - Breakout groups (meet the authors for discussion in separate tables)

Early Idea Session 1 

15:10-15:25 - Presenter: Arndt (soccer). Discussant: Benedikt Seigner

15:25-15:40 - Presenter: Mithani (cricket). Discussant: Winslow Robertson

15:40-15:55 - Breakout groups (meet the authors for discussion in separate tables)

15:55-16:20 - Coffee break 

Paper Session 2 

16:20-16:45 - Presenter: Moliterno (baseball). Discussant: Paolo Aversa

16:45-17:10 - Presenter: Aversa et al. (ski equipment manufacturing). Discussant: Andrea Lucarelli

17:10-17:35 - Presenter: Hallila (hockey). Discussant: Thorsten Grohsjean

Moderated by Jan-Michael Ross

17:35-17:50 - Breakout groups (meet the authors for discussion in separate tables)

Idea Generation Session 1

2 rounds of 20-minute breakout groups (3-4 people per group, randomly allocated). Task: come up with a viable paper collaboration idea. 

17:50-18:10 - Round 1 

18:10-18:30 - Round 2 


May 7 

09:00-09:10 - Introduction, Martin Carlsson-Wall, Director, Center for Sports & Business, SSE

Early Idea Session 2 

09:10-09:25 - Presenter: Shahriar et al. (various sports, soccer). Discussant: Martin Carlsson-Wall

09:25-09:40 - Presenter: Seigner & Kretschmer (ballroom dancing). Discussant: Mike Geppert

09:40-09:55 - Breakout groups (meet the authors for discussion in separate tables)

Idea Generation Session 2 

2 rounds of 20-minute breakout groups (3-4 people per group, randomly allocated). Task: come up with a viable paper collaboration idea. 

09:55-10:15 - Round 1

10:15-10:35 - Round 2 

10:35-11:00 - Coffe Break

Paper Session 3

11:00-11:25 - Presenter: Castellucci (soccer). Discussant: Jan Ross

11:25-11:50 - Presenter: Fonti et al. (soccer). Discussant: Tom Moliterno

11:50-12:15 - Presenter: Terry & McGee (MLB). Discussant: Fabio Fonti

Moderated by Martin Carlsson-Wall

12:15-12:40 - Breakout groups (meet the authors for discussion in three separate tables)

12:40-14:00 - Lunch Break

14:00-15:00 - Wrap up roundtable 

Moderator: Martin Carlsson-Wall) 

How can sports data be useful for advancing management theory? What opportunities have been underexplored so far? How can we further build our community? 5 min each panelist + open Q&A

Panelists: Juliane Reinecke (University of Oxford), Tom Moliterno (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Paolo Aversa (King's College London), and Fabio Fonti (NEOMA Business School) 

List of Papers and Early Ideas


Aversa, P., Bettiol, M., Capestro, M., Di Maria, E., & Ozcan, P. Cluster rebooting: Technological adaptation in localized industries.

Castellucci, F., Keil, T., & Piazza, A. Shooting for glory or for the team: Performance feedback, status, and risk-taking.

Fonti, F., Nakamura, A., & Datar, A. Losing stars: The role of social capital in talent retention.

Geppert, M., Goldenstein, J., & Jasper, L. Ownership concentration in organizations of public interest: The case of European professional men’s football.

Grohsjean, T. Collaborating within, competing outside: Employees’ extra-organizational affiliations and intra-organizational collaboration.

Hallila, P. Interfirm competition's dual role: Mitigating or exacerbating internal competitions' effect on firm performance.

Moliterno, T. Lucky or good? An empirical analysis of resource-picking in strategic factor markets.

Robertson, W., Barriola, X., Rheinhardt, A., & Maoret, M. The owner has to go: How platform activists in racialized and gendered organizations mobilize organizational resources.

Terry, R., & McGee. Chasing stars: Firm and environmental factors influencing the external hiring of star employees.


Early Ideas

Arndt, F., & Aharonson, B. Analyzing CEO origin and characteristics and firm performance through Bundesliga soccer data.

Mithani, M. How data on cricket helps integrate prospect theory and the behavioral theory of the firm.

Seigner, B, & Kretschmer, T. Evaluator panel heterogeneity and favoritism: Evidence from competitive ballroom dancing.

Shahriar, H., Lucarelli, A., & Ulver, S. Sportswashing in the Western marketplace.

List of Participants

Angelo Augusto Caldas Bello, Stockholm School of Economics

Benedikt Seigner, IE University

Fabio Fonti*, NEOMA Business School

Fabrizio Castellucci*, Bocconi University

Fanny Almersson*, Stockholm School of Economics

Felix Arndt*, University of Guelph

Hossain Shahriar, Lund University School of Economics and Management

Ipek Kocoglu, Kean University

Jan-Michael Ross*, Imperial College London

Juan Fuentes Fernández, La Liga Spain

Juliane Reinecke*, University of Oxford

Martin Carlsson-Wall*, Stockholm School of Economics

Mike Geppert, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

Murad Mithani, Rutgers University

Nadège Levallet, University of Maine

Norman O’Reilly, University of New England

Paolo Aversa*, King’s College London

Patrick Hallila*, Imperial College London

Ryan P. Terry, Wichita State University

Thorsten Grohsjean*, Bocconi University

Tom Moliterno*, VU Amsterdam

Winslow Robertson, IESE Business School

* Fellow, Center for Sport and Business, SSE

Sports and Business