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LaLiga Representative at Sports & Business Week

On Wednesday, February 8th, Juan Fuentes Fernandez, LaLiga Delegate in the Nordic countries, visited SSE to hold an inspirational lecture in connection with the Sports & Business Week that the Center for Sports & Business organises together with the Student Association's Sports Committee.

On the topic of Strategic Perspectives in the Current Sports & Entertainment Scenario, Juan Feuentes Fernandez talked about how the Spanish football association, LaLiga, works with internationalization, strategic management, their value proposition to fans, consumers and clients, branding, innovation, technology and the digital ecosystem as well as their significant international collaborations with, among others, Svensk Elitfotboll (Svensk Elitfotboll x LaLiga). 

The Center for Sports & Business is proud to extend its international contacts to the Spanish LaLiga and we are looking forward to this year's upcoming events.

Sports and Business SIR