Maria grafström
Key questions of Maria’s research concern the relationship between media and organizations, how processes of mediatisation influence contemporary organizations and management, and how media participate in creating and circulating ideas and shape organisational agendas as for example the development within the field of corporate responsibility and business ethics. Her studies include the organizational development of business media and journalism, the transformation of news production and organizational communication online, corporate communication and reputation management, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). More recently Maria’s interest for media and the role of communication in organization have engaged her in two additional research settings: (1) the organising of, and role of communication within, municipal urban planning projects, and (2) knowledge production in integrated science projects.
Theoretically, Maria’s research has to a large extent been inspired and influenced by organizational institutional theory – within the Scandinavian, as well as the North American, traditions. Consequently, central theoretical themes of investigation have been developments of and change within organizational fields (inter-organizational relations), the role of actors (for example institutional entrepreneurs) in such change processes and the creation, spread and impact of institutional ideas and norms (institutional logics and social categorization).
Read more about Maria and her projects on Score’s website:
Grafström, Maria, Windell, Karolina, & Petrelius Karlberg, Pernilla (2015). Mediatization of civil society organizations: (de)legitimation of the Swedish Red Cross, Journal of Civil Society, 11(3): 227-241.
Grafström, Maria & Windell, Karolina (2012). Newcomers conserving the old: Transformation processes in the field of news journalism, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 28(1): 65-76.
Grafström, Maria & Windell, Karolina (2011). The Role of Infomediaries: CSR in the Business Press During 2000-2009, Journal of Business Ethics, 103(2): 221-237.
Grafström, Maria, Jonsson, Anna, Stig, Oline, & Strannegård, Lars (2017, forthcoming in February). En berättelse om organisering, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Grafström, Maria, Göthberg, Pauilne, & Windell, Karolina (2015). CSR: Företagsansvar i förändring, 2nd Edition, Malmö: Liber.
Grafström, Maria, Petrelius Karlberg, Pernilla, & Windell, Karolina (2013). Föredöme eller fördömd? Medierna som moralisk domstol, Stockholm: SNS Förlag.
Grafström, Maraia, Windell, Karolina, & Göthberg Pauline (2010). Ansvar, Malmö: Liber.
Grafström, Maria, Göthberg, Pauilne, & Windell, Karolina (2008). CSR: Företagsansvar i förändring, Malmö: Liber.
Wedlin, Linda, Sahlin, Kerstin, & Grafström, Maria (2009). Exploring the Worlds of Mercury and Minerva: Essays for Lars Engwall, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, no. 51, Uppsala, Uppsala universitet.
Grafström, Maria (2016). Information intermediaries, in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation edited by Craig Carroll, London: SAGE.
Grafström, Maria & Viscovi, Dino (2016). Ekonominyheter – fortfarande en främmande fågel?, in Journalistik i förändring – om mediestudiers innehållsanalys 2007 och 2014, edited by Lars Truedson, Stockholm: Institutet för mediestudier.
Grafström, Maria (2015). Ekonomijournalistik, in Handbok om journalistikforskning edited by Michael Karlsson and Jesper Strömbäck, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Berg, Martin & Grafström, Maria (2014). Att samverka, in Efter festen edited by Sara Elmén and Anna Jonsson, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Frostenson, Magnus, Grafström, Maria, & Windell, Karolina (2013). Ekonomistyrning och Corporate Social Responsibility, in Perspektiv på ekonomistyrning edited by Erik Nilsson and Matti Skoog, Malmö: Liber.
Petrelius Karlberg, Pernilla, Grafström, Maria, & Windell, Karolina (2013). The creation of a crisis of confidence: A study of the mediatization of the Red Cross, in Trust and organizations: Confidence across borders, edited by Marta Reuter, Filip Wijkström and Bengt Kristensson Uggla, New York: Routledge.
Petrelius Karlberg, Pernilla, Grafström, Maria, & Windell, Karolina (2012). Konstruktioner av en förtroendekris: En studie av medierapporteringen om Röda Korset, in Vem i hela världen kan man lita på? Förtroende i teori och praktik, edited by Marta Reuter, Filip Wijkström, and Bengt Kristensson Uggla, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Grafström, Maria, Göthberg, Pauline, & Windell, Karolina (2011). Med samhällsansvar som ledstjärna, in Ledning av företag och förvaltningar: Former, förutsättningar, förändring, edited by Rolf Lind and Anders Ivarsson Westerberg, Stockholm: SNS Förlag.
Grafström, Maria (2011). Ekonomireportern: Etablerad – och ifrågasatt, in Specialreportern: Framväxt, funktion, framtid, edited by Torbjörn von Krogh, Stockholm: Sim(o) Institutet för Mediestudier.
Fredriksson, Magnus, & Grafström, Maria (2010). Corporate Reputation and the News Media in Sweden, in Corporate Reputation and the News Media Around the World, edited by Craig Carroll, New York: Routledge.
Grafström, Maria & Windell, Karolina (2010). Nyhetsproduktion i det sociala medielandskapet, edited by Josef Pallas & Lars Strannegård, Malmö: Liber.
Grafström, Maria (2010). , in The Rise of Management-Speak, edited by Björn Rombach & Patrik Zapata, Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press.
Grafström, Maria (2009). , in Exploring the Worlds of Mercury and Minerva: Essays for Lars Engwall, edited by Linda Wedlin, Kerstin Sahlin & Maria Grafström, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
Windell, Karolina, Grafström, Maria, & Göthberg, Pauline (2009). Sweden, in Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility, edited by Samuel O. Idowu & Walter Leal Filhos, Berlin: Springer.
Grafström, Maria & Pallas, Josef (2007). The Negotiation of Corporate News, in Mediating business: The expansion of business journalism, edited by Peter Kjaer & Tore Slaatta, Köpenhamn: Copenhagen Business School Press.
Slaatta, Tore, Kjaer, Peter, Grafström, Maria & Erkama, Niina (2007). The Nordic Business Press and the Emerging Field of Business Journalism, in Mediating Business: The expansion of business journalism edited by Peter Kjaer & Tore Slaatta, Köpenhamn: Copenhagen Business School Press.
Kjaer, Peter, Erkama, Niina, & Grafström, Maria (2007). The Expansion and Transformation of Business News Content, in Mediating business: The expansion of business journalism, edited by Peter Kjaer & Tore Slaatta, Köpenhamn: Copenhagen Business School Press.
Buhr, Helena, & Grafström, Maria (2007). The Making of Meaning in the Media: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Financial Times, 1988-2003, in Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing and Measuring, edited by Frank den Hond, Frank G. A. de Bakker & Peter Neergaard, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
Grafström, Maria (2005). Nyheter på ekonomiska, Den framgångsrika ekonomiskan, edited by Björn Rombach, Stockholm: Santérus Förlag.
Grafström, Maria, & Tamm Hallström, Kristina (2016). Hierarchisation and fuzziness: The power of interlinked categories in urban planning, presented at the The 9th international EIASM conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 6–8 September 2016.
Grafström, Maria & Windell, Karolina (2016). Media scandals as routine: The construction of corporate moral order, presented at EGOS Colloquium 2016, Napels, Italy, 7-9 July.
Grafström, Maria (2013). Responsibility claims online: CSO’s use of media in CSR communication, presentation at the ICA pre-conference 2013, CSR and communication: Extending the agenda, London, England, 16 June, 2013.
Grafström, Maria (2012). Institutional logics and nascent field development: Historical roots of Swedish business journalism”, presented at PDW at EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, July 2012.
Grafström, Maria & Windell, Karolina (2012). Going Online: Identity Construction in the Professional Field of Journalism, presented at EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, July 2012.
Grafström, Maria, Petrelius Karlberg, Pernilla, & Windell Karolina (2011). Constructing Legitimacy through Media: The Case of the Swedish Red Cross, EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden, July, 2011.
Grafström, Maria, & Windell, Karolina (2010). Blurred Boundaries of Media: The Circulation of a Corporate News story on the Web, presented at EGOS Colloquium, Lissboa, Portugal, July, 2010.
Grafström, Maria, & Windell, Karolina (2009). Blog-Journalists Relations: Business News in Transformation, presented at the Future of Journalism, Cardiff, Wales, September, 2009.
Grafström, Maria & Windell, Karolina (2006). Interrelationships in the Field of Business News: News Production in Two Media Organisations, presented at EGOS Colloquium, Bergen, Norway, July, 2006.
Buhr, Helena, & Grafström, Maria (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility Edited in the Business Press: Package Solutions with Problems Included, presented at EGOS Colloquium, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July, 2004.
Tamm Hallström, Kristina, & Grafström, Maria (2016). Visioner som demokratiskt förändringsverktyg? Decodes rapportserie 2016:4, Stockholm.
Grafström, Maria & Tamm Hallström, Kristina (2016). Värdeladdad organisering: Kategoriers betydelse för stadsutvecklingsprojekt, Score rapportserie 2016:1, Stockholm: Score.
Grafström, Maria, Windell, Karolina, & Adamsson, Emelie (2015). Normerande bilder av ansvar – en studie av hur fem börsföretag framställs i svenska medier, 1995-2012, Scores rapportserie 2015:4, Stockholm: Score.
Grafström, Maria (2014). Ekonomijournalistikens förändrade förutsättningar: Innehåll, format och aktörer, Scores rapportserie 2014:1, Stockholm: Score.
Grafström, Maria, & Windell, Karolina (2014). Medierna och det goda företaget, SNS Analys nr. 22, Stockholm: SNS Förlag.
Grafström, Maria, & Windell, Karolina (2014). Mediebilden formar föreställningar om vad som är socialt ansvar”, Organisation & Samhälle, nr 2014-01.
Grafström, Maria (2007). Barriers for Improved Research Coordination in European Pre-hospital Care.” En rapport till EU-finansierade projektet Hesculaep (report no. 3.4), 2007.
Grafström, Maria, Grünberg, Jaan, Pallas, Josef, & Windell, Karolina (2006). Ekonominyhetens väg: Från kvartalsrapporter till ekonominyheter, SNS Medieforum, Stockholm.
Grafström, Maria (2005). Expansion and change of business news content in Swden, 1960-2000, Working Paper No. 24, Copenhagen Business School, Köpenhamn.
Grafström, Maria (2004). Ekonomijournalistikens mångfald – en forskningsöversikt, SNS Medieforum, Stockholm.