Lisa Maria Dellmuth
For her research on fiscal redistribution through the EU budget, Lisa received the Sage Award for the best article published in European Union Politics in 2012 (vol. 13) and the Best Paper Award for Young Scholars awarded by the Swedish Political Science Association in 2010. Lisa’s work has been published in leading international peer-review journals, such as British Journal of Political Science, European Union Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies, Review of International Studies, and Review of International Organizations. In addition, Lisa is completing a book manuscript on fiscal policies and equitable growth in the EU, which was awarded the Early Career Research Grant of the Regional Studies Association in 2014.
For a list of Lisa's projects, publications and replication material, check out Lisa's homepage at .
Dr. Lisa M. Dellmuth
Associate Professor of International Relations
Department of Economic History Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden