SSE and CSR in the World Academic Forum
04 April 2022
SSE and CSR in the World Academic Forum on TRANSFORMING THE OUTSIDE FROM THE INSIDE: Can We Really Save the Planet with Art, Imagination and Inner Development?
Welcome to a Stockholm +50 event, âLinking the E, S & G in Sustainable Financeâ
04 April 2022
Sophie Nachemson-Ekvall i SR P1 Konflikt
11 October 2021
Fredsaktivister och miljökÀmpar utmanar nu storbolagen pÄ deras egen spelplan. Men gÄr det att förÀndra vÀrlden genom att köpa aktier?
Webinar: Presentation of new report
15 September 2021
Susanne Sweet at Center for Sustainability Research is presenting a report on âDet HĂ„llbara Svenska Modeundretâ at a webinar arranged by Entreprenörskapsforumâs 23 September, 12:00-13:00.
Svensk finansmarknad behöver ha sociala mål
13 September 2021
Privata aktörer behövs för att lösa problemen med utanförskap. Internationellt stöds framvÀxten av privat social finansiering avEU, OECD och VÀrldsbanken. Men Sverige ligger lÄngt efter flera OECD-lÀnder. Det skriver forskaren Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall i Di Debatt.
Inbjudan till rapportsläpp!
08 September 2021
Tisdag 14 september kl 8.30â10.00 presenteras rapporten "En svensk social finansmarknad vĂ€xer fram" av Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall.
New book! The Sustainability Grand Challenge: A Wicked Learning Workbook
11 January 2021
Edited By Michael Gibbert, Liisa VĂ€likangas, Marijane Luistro-Jonsson
The SDGs and the corrosive effects of corruption: new pedagogical tool
14 December 2020
Navigating the chaos of an unfolding global cycle
11 December 2020
On Tuesday 15 December, at 10:00 CET, Dr Brian Walker (CSIRO Land and Water, Australia; and the Fenner School, Australian National University) asks, if we are to avert disruptive global change, where and how to intervene?
New book published by Ranjula Bali Swain and Susanne Sweet on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Volume II: Circular Economy and Beyond
11 November 2020
Circular economy principles are driving to overcome the challenges of todayâs linear take-make-dispose production and consumption patterns through keeping the value of products, materials, and resources circulating in the economy as long as possible.