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Navigating the chaos of an unfolding global cycle

On Tuesday 15 December, at 10:00 CET, Dr Brian Walker (CSIRO Land and Water, Australia; and the Fenner School, Australian National University) asks, if we are to avert disruptive global change, where and how to intervene?

With irreversible climate change and biodiversity loss, mass migration and social-economic collapse looming on the horizon, how can we best prepare to make use of any window of opportunity as might exist?

Based on a recent contribution to Ecology and Society , Dr Walker will discuss the usefulness of the adaptive cycle as a framework for achieving transformational change. Comments by Dr Jill Jaeger (independent scholar), Dr Jamila Haider (Stockholm Resilience Centre) and Prof. Örjan Sjöberg (SSE and CSR).

This is a CIVICA event hosted by the Central European University (CEU), the Balaton Group and the Stockholm School of Economics. It will be chaired by Dr László Pintér, Professor and Head, Dept. Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU.

More information here: