Book Chapters
Kjellberg, Hans. 2018. âAttending to Actors and Practices: Implications for Service-Dominant Logic.â Forthcoming in The SAGE Handbook of Service Dominant Logic.
Kjellberg, Hans, Suvi Nenonen and Karim Marini ThomĂ©. 2018. âAnalyzing Service Processes at the Micro Level: Actors and Practicesâ. Forthcoming in The SAGE Handbook of Service Dominant Logic.
Melén HÄnell, Sara, Emila Rovira Nordman & Daniel Tolstoy. 2018. Exploring the prerequisites for long-term survival of internationalising and innovative SMEs: The case of the Swedish life-science industry. In Suder, G., M. Riviere & J. Lindeque (eds.) The Routledge Companion to European Business (pp. 253-266). Routledge.
Andersson, Per & Lars-Gunnar Mattsson. âDigitalisation and Service Innovation: The Intermediating Role of Platforms.â In Extending the Business Network Approach edited by P. Thilenius, C. Pahlberg and V. Havila. 141-158. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Holm, Ulf, Christine Holmström & Deo Sharma. âCompetence Development through Business Relationships or Competitive Environment?âSubsidiary Impact on MNC Competitive Advantage.â In Knowledge, Networks and Power edited by U. Holm, M. Forsgren and J. Johanson. 344-365. Palgrave Macmillan.
Salmi, Asta & Lars-Gunnar Mattsson. âOverlapping of networks during transformation of the Russian economy.â In Handbook on International Alliance and Network Research edited by J. Larimo, N. Nummela and T. Mainela. 271-294. Cheltenham: Edvard Elgar.
Andersson, Per, Pierre JarmĂ©us, Simone Masog, Christoffer Rosenqvist & Carl Sundberg. âCreating value through open innovation in social e-learning.â In Managing open innovation technologies edited by J.S.Z. Eriksson Lundström, M. Wiberg, S. Hrastinski, M. Edenius and P. Agerfalk. 151-162. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
Kjellberg, Hans & Ingrid Stigzelius. âDoing green: Environmental concerns and the realization of green values in and through everyday food practices.â In Concerned markets, edited by S. Geiger, D. Harrison, H. Kjellberg and A. Mallard. 203-237. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Ritvala, Tina, Per Andersson & Asta Salmi. âMNE and multiple embeddedness: A case study of MNEâNGO collaboration in saving the Baltic Sea.â In International Business and Sustainable Development edited by R. Van Tulder, A. Verbeke and R. Strange. 293-321. Emerald Group Publishing.
Mattsson, L.G. âErinringar frĂ„n industrisamhĂ€llet.â In Det mogna tjĂ€nstesamhĂ€llets förnyelse. AffĂ€rsmodeller, organisering och affĂ€rsrelationer edited by P. Andersson, B. Axelsson and C. Rosenqvist. 347-363. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Andersson, P., Markendahl, J., Mattsson, L.G., Movin, S, & Rosenqvist, C. (2013) âSakernas internet och tjĂ€nsteinnovationer- affĂ€rsmĂ€ssiga utmaningar i det nya tjĂ€nstesamhĂ€llet.â In Det mogna tjĂ€nstesamhĂ€llets förnyelse. AffĂ€rsmodeller, organisering och affĂ€rsrelationer edited by P. Andersson, B. Axelsson and C. Rosenqvist. 287-310.Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Andersson, P., Markendahl, J. & Mattsson, L.G. (2011) âTjĂ€nsteinnovationer och marknadsomvandling- fallet mobila betalningar.â In Morgondagens industri. Att sĂ€tta spelregler och flytta grĂ€nser edited by I. Benson, J. Lind, E. Sjögren and F. Wijkström. 85-100 Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Per Andersson & Hans Kjellberg. âMarknadsföringen av Stockholmsolympiaden.â In Stockholmsolympiaden, myter och verklighet edited by H. Bolling and L. Yttergren. (Also published in an english version by McFarland & Co.)
Hans Kjellberg. âMoi, ma Thunderbird, et les autres.â In Du lien marchand. Comment le marcheÌ fait socieÌte edited by F. Cochoy. 295-319. Paris: Presses Universitaires du Mirail.
Rovira Nordman, E. & MelĂ©n, S. (2012), âThe impact of different kinds of knowledge for the internationalization process of Born Globals in the biotech businessâ, in: Shepherd, D. A., Tobias, R. L. GrĂ©goire, D. A. (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
Alexandersson, Gunnar & Staffan HultĂ©n. âSweden.â In Reforming Railways. Learning from Experience edited by J. Drew & J. Ludewig. 115-126. Hamburg: Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), Eurailpress.
Blomberg, Jesper, Hans Kjellberg & Karin Winroth. âTrading opportunities and risks: conflicting methods of coordination in investment banksâ In Towards a Socioanalysis of Money, Finance and Capitalism: Beneath the surface of the financial industry edited byS. Long and B. Sievers. 163-177. Oxford: Routledge.
MelĂ©n HĂ„nell, Sara, Emilia Rovira Nordman, Daniel Tolstoy & Deo Sharma. âInternational Entrepreneurship at the Foreign Market Level: Towards a Network Perspective.â In Dynamics of Globalization: Location-Specific Advantages or Liabilities of Foreignness edited by C. Geisler Asmussen, T. Pedersen, T. M. Devinney and L. Tihanyi. 357-387. London: Emerald.
Tolstoy, Daniel. âThe international product venturing of a biotech SME: knowledge combination in upstream-and downstream-networks.â In European Entrepreneurship in the Globalizing Economy edited by A. Fayolle and K. Todorov. 156-175. Cheltenham: Edvard Elgar.
Kjellberg, Hans. âMarketing on trial: the SAS Eurobonus caseâ. In Reconnecting marketing to markets: practice-based approaches edited by L. Araujo, J. Finch and H. Kjellberg. 181-203. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sharma, D.D, & Sallis, J.E. (2007), âKnowledge management in internationalizing service firmsâ, Cader, Y. (Ed.). Knowledge Management Integrated, Heidelberg, Australia: Heidelberg Press.
Hohenthal, J., Löfgren, A., Sharma, D.D, Tolstoy, D. (2007), âSocial capital as a key for exploration and exploitation of knowledge in the internationalization process of high tech SMEsâ, in Cader, Y. (Ed.). Knowledge Management Integrated, Heidelberg, Australia: Heidelberg Press.
Löfgren, A., Tolstoy, D., Johanson, J. & Sharma, D.D. (2007), âNetwork coordination as a key to external resourcesâ, in Dana, L., Han, M., Ratten, V. and I. Welpe (Eds.). A Theory of Internationalisation for European Entrepreneurship, Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.
Rovira, E., MelĂ©n, S. & Sharma, D.D. (2006), âThe internationalisation of a born global SME in the high-tech business - a longitudinal case studyâ, in: Lee, J-W., Hadjikhani, A., J. Johanson (Eds.). Business Networks and International Marketing, South Korea: Brain Korea Publishing Ltd.
Lindstrand, A., & Eriksson, K. (2005), âBusiness networks: the context for firm learning about internet useâ, in Lindstrand, A., Johanson, J. & D.D. Sharma. (Eds.). Managing Customer Relationships on the Internet, Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd.
MelĂ©n, S. (2005), âThe acquisition of foreign market knowledge - a high-tech SMEâs usage of ICTsâ, in Lindstrand, A., Johanson, J. & D.D. Sharma. (Eds.). Managing Customer Relationships on the Internet, Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd.
MelĂ©n, S. & Rovira, E. (2005), âThe initiation of foreign market opportunities â a case study of a small high-tech SMEâ, in: Thilenius, P. & A. Hadjikhani. (Eds.). Studies in Business Networks - Some Thoughts on IT and Internationalisation, MĂ€lardalens Högskola, Ekonomihögskolan, VĂ€sterĂ„s.
Rovira, E., (2005), âFace-to-face interaction in an age of information - necessary or not?â, in Lindstrand, A., Johanson, J. & D.D. Sharma. (Eds.). Managing Customer Relationships on the Internet, Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd.
MelĂ©n, S., Rovira, E. & Sharma, D.D., (2004), âKnowledge management in born global SMEs within the biotech industryâ, in: Cader, Y. (Ed.), Knowledge Management: Theory and Application in a Twenty-first Century Context, Heidelberg Press, Australia.
Bjerre, M. & Sharma, D.D. (2003), âIs marketing knowledge international? A case of key accountsâ, in: Sharma, D.D, & A. MajkgĂ„rd. (Eds.). A Learning in the Internationalization Process of Firms, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
Blomstermo, A., Eriksson, K., & Sharma, D.D. (2003), âLearning and its relationship with domestic experience of internationalizing firmsâ, in: Dana, L. (Ed.). The Handbook of International Business.
Lindstrand, A. (2003), âHow to use network experience in ongoing international businessâ, in: MajkgĂ„rd, A. & D.D. Sharma. (Eds.). Learning in the Internationalization Process of Firms, Edward Elgar, UK.
Lindstrand, A. (2003), âThe usefulness of supplier knowledge in international businessâ, in: MajkgĂ„rd, A. & D.D. Sharma. (Eds.). Learning in the Internationalization Process of Firms, Edward Elgar, UK.
Petersen, B., Pedersen, T. & Sharma, D.D. (2003), âThe role of knowledge in firmâs internationalization process: wherefrom and whereto?, in: Sharma, D.D, & A. MajkgĂ„rd, A. (Eds.). Learning in the Internationalization Process of Firms, Edward Elgar, UK.
Blomstermo, A., Eriksson, K., Johanson, J. & Sharma, D.D. (2001), âThe usefulness of network relationship experience in the internationalization of the firmâ, in: HĂ„kansson, H. & J. Johanson. (Eds.). Business Network Learning. Elsevier. UK.
Eriksson, K., MajkgĂ„rd, A. & Sharma, D.D. (2001), âKnowledge and time: A forgotten factor in the internationalization process of firmsâ, in: Forsgren, M., Havila, V. & H. HĂ„kansson. (Eds.). Internationalization and Networks.
Sharma, D.D. (2001), âKnowledge, commitment, and evolution of co-operative alliancesâ, in: Freytag, P. (Ed.). Portfolio Planning in a Relationship Perspective, Thompson, Copenhagen.
Sharma, D.D., (2001), âA resource based model for the internationalization of firmsâ, in: Roa, C.P. (Ed.). Globalization and its Managerial Implications, Quorum Books, London.
Sharma, D.D. & Holm, U., (2000), âThe impact of CoE on MNCs performance: Economics of scale or a learning processâ, in: Holm, U. & T Petersen. (Eds.). The Emergence of and Impact of MNC Centers of Excellence: A Subsidiary Perspective, MacMillan, London.
Sharma, D.D., Johanson, J. & Forsgren, M., (2000), âDevelopment of MNC centers of excellenceâ, in: Holm, U. & T Petersen. (Eds.). The Emergence of and Impact of MNC Centers of Excellence: A Subsidiary Perspective, MacMillan, London.
Sharma, D.D. & MajkgĂ„rd, A. (1998), âService quality by international relationships: service firms in the global marketâ, in: Rao, C.P. (Ed.). Globalization, Privatization and the Free Market Economy, Quoram Books, London.
Eriksson, K., MajkgĂ„rd, A. & Sharma, D.D., (1997), âA quantitative survey of service quality in SME internationalizationâ, in: Hills, G.E., Giglierano, J.J. & C.M. Hultman. (Eds.). Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface, The University of Ilinois at Chicago.
Sharma, D.D. & Wallström, P.C. (1997), âInternal management in Sino-Swedish joint venturesâ, in: Forsgren, M. and I. Björkman. (Eds.). A Nordic Perspective on International Business Research, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen.
Sharma, D.D. & HĂ„kansson, H. (1996), âStrategic alliances: A network viewâ, in: Dawn, L. (Ed.). Networks in Marketing, Sage Pub. California.
Sharma, D.D. (1993), âIndustrial networks in marketing, in: Sharma, D.D. (Ed.). Industrial Networks, Advances in International Marketing, JAI Press, Connecticut.
Sharma, D.D. & Keller, R., (1993), âExporting in a network: Relationship between technical consultancy and the sources of procurementâ, in: Sharma, D.D. (Ed.)
Sharma, D.D., (1991), âExperiential network knowledge in international consultancyâ, in: Johanson, J. & M. Forsgren. (Eds.). Managing Networks in International Business, Gordon & Brich, Philadelphia.
Sharma, D.D., (1990), âOrganization-individual interface: The case of technical consultantsâ, in: Lindmark, L. (Ed.). Kunskap som kritisk resurs, Business School (Handelshögskolan) at UmeĂ„, UmeĂ„.
Sharma, D.D. & Jansson, H., (1990), âIndian industrial policy and transnational corporationsâ, in: Negandhi, A.R. & P. Schran. (Eds.). Research in International Business and International Relations, vol. 4, JAI Press, Connecticut.
Sharma, D.D., (1989), âTechnical consultancy as a network of relationshipsâ, in: Johanson, J. & L. Hallen. (Eds.). Advances in International Marketing, vol. 3, JAI Press, Connecticut.
Sharma, D.D., (1987), âInternationalization and technology transfer: Swedish management consultants in ASEANâ, in: Selmar, J. & T. Long. (Eds.). Economic Relations Between Scandinavia and ASEAN, University of Stockholm, Stockholm.
Sharma, D.D., (1980), âManagement Contract and Internationalisationâ, in: Engwall, L. & J. Johanson. (Eds.). Some Aspects of Control in International Business, Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm.