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Articles in Refereed Journals


Alexandersson, Gunnar, Anders Bondemark, Lars Henriksson & Staffan HultĂ©n. 2018. Coopetition between commercial and subsidized railway services – The case of the greater Stockholm region. Research in Transportation Economics. DOI: 10.1016/j.retrec.2018.03.008.

Doganova, Liliana, Martin Giraudeau, Hans Kjellberg, C-F Helgesson, Francis Lee, Alexandre Mallard, Andrea Mennicken, Fabian Muniesa, Ebba Sjögren & Teun Zuiderent-Jerak. 2018. Five years! Have we not had enough of valuation studies by now? Valuation Studies 5(2): 83-91.

Kurosaki, Fumio & Gunnar Alexandersson. 2018. Managing unprofitable passenger rail operations in Japan – Lessons from the experience in Sweden. Research in Transportation Economics. DOI: 10.1016/j.retrec.2018.07.019

Cochoy, Franck, Johan Hagberg & Hans Kjellberg. 2018. The ethno-graphy of prices: On the fingers of the invisible hand (1922-1947). Organization. DOI: 10.1177/1350508418790142.

Cochoy, Franck, Johan Hagberg & Hans Kjellberg. 2018. The technologies of price display: mundane retail price governance in the early 20th century. Economy and Society. DOI: 10.1080/03085147.2018.1528102.

Fuentes, Christian, Johan Hagberg & Hans Kjellberg. 2018. Soundtracking: Music listening practices in the digital age. Accepted for publication in European Journal of Marketing.

Lindh, Cecilia & Emilia Rovira Nordman. 2018. New Service Development and Digitalization: Synergies of Personal Interaction and IT Integration. Services Marketing Quarterly 39(2): 108-23. DOI: 10.1080/15332969.2018.1436777.

Melén HÄnell, Sara, Emilia Rovira Nordman, Daniel Tolstoy & Deo Sharma. 2018. Pursuing Innovation: An Investigation of the Foreign Business Relationships of Swedish SMEs. British Journal of Management 29(4): 817-34. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8551.12315.

Melén HÄnell, Sara & Emilia Rovira Nordman. 2018. What geographical scope works best for rapidly internationalizing SMEs? Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-11-2017-0299.

Kumar, Nishant & Deo Sharma. 2018. The role of organisational culture in the internationalisation of new ventures. International Marketing Review 35(5): 806-32. DOI: 10.1108/IMR-09-2014-0299.

Stigzelius, Ingrid, Luis Araujo, Katy Mason, Riikka Murto & Teea Palo. 2018. Kitchen concerns at the boundary between markets and consumption: agencing practice change in times of scarcity (Husmodern, Sweden 1938–1958). Consumption Markets & Culture. DOI: 10.1080/10253866.2018.1462174.

Tolstoy, Daniel & Björn Axelsson. 2018. The development of international purchasing capabilities: a comparative study of the four largest Swedish construction firms. International Journal of Construction Management 18(2): 163-76. DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2017.1301027.



Hagberg, Johan, Hans Kjellberg & Franck Cochoy. 2017. Managing leaks: Shoplifting in US grocery retailing 1922-1969. European Management Journal 35(6): 766-75.

Kjellberg, Hans & David Olson. 2017. Joint markets: How adjacent markets influence the formation of regulated markets. Marketing Theory 17(1): 95-123. DOI: 10.1177/1470593116658203.

Lindh, Cecilia & Emilia Rovira Nordman. 2017. Information technology and performance in industrial business relationships: the mediating effect of business development. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 32(7): 998-1008. DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-12-2016-0282.

Lindstrand, Angelika & Sara MelĂ©n HĂ„nell. 2017. International and market-specific social capital effects on international opportunity exploitation in the internationalization process. Journal of World Business52(5): 653-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2017.05.002.

Melén HÄnell, Sara, Emilia Rovira Nordman & Daniel Tolstoy. 2017. New product development in foreign customer relationships: a study of international SMEs. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 29(7-8): 715-34. DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2017.1336257.


Araujo, L. & H. Kjellberg. ‘Enacting novel agencements: the case of Frequent Flyer schemes in the US airline industry (1981–1991).’ Consumption Markets & Culture, 19(1): 92-110.

Geiger, S. & H. Kjellberg. ‘Why bother? On the rewards of small-scale academic workshops.’ Marketing Theory, 16(2): 263-266.

Harrison, D. & H. Kjellberg. ‘How users shape markets.’ Marketing Theory. DOI: 10.1177/1470593116652004.

Hagberg, J. & Kjellberg, H. ‘StĂ€ndigt slölyssnande.’ Kulturella perspektiv.

Kjellberg, H. & D. Olson. ‘Joint markets: How adjacent markets influence the formation of regulated markets.’ Marketing Theory. DOI: 10.1177/1470593116658203.

Mattsson, L-G. ‘Bridging gaps between policies for sustainable markets and market practices.’ IMP Journal, 10(2): 339-356.

Rovira Nordman, E. & D. Tolstoy. ‘The impact of opportunity connectedness on innovation in SMEs’ foreign-market relationships.’ Technovation. DOI:10.1016/j.technovation.2016.04.001.

Tolstoy, D., A. Jonsson & D. Sharma. ‘The Influence of a Retail Firm’s Geographic Scope of Operations on Its International Online Sales.’ International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 20(3): 293-318.


Alexandersson, G. ‘Swedish Railway Policy – From Vertical Separation to Open-Access Competition.’ Transportation & Economy, 75(5):34-45.

Andersson, P. & L-G Mattsson. ‘Service innovations enabled by the “internet of things”.’ The IMP Journal, 9(1): 85-106.

Araujo, L. & H. Kjellberg. “Forming Cognitions through Investments: Frequent Flyer Programs in US air travel post deregulation (1981-1991). Industrial Marketing Management 48: 68-78.

Cederlund, C. ‘Managing meaning in complex business networks.’ Industrial Marketing Management, 48: 89-100.

Gebert Persson, S, L-G Mattsson & C. Öberg. ‘Has research on the internationalization of firms from an IMP perspective resulted in a theory of internationalization?’ IMP Journal, 9(2): 208-226.

Hagberg, J & H Kjellberg. “How much is it? The role of price representations in retailing.” Marketing Theory 15(2): 179-99.

Jafari, H., A. Nyberg, T-L Osnes & A. Schmitz. ‘Customization in bicycle retailing.’ Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 23: 77-90.

Kjellberg, H, F. Azimont & E. Reid. “Market Innovation Processes: balancing stability and change.” Industrial Marketing Management, 44(1): 4-12.

Mason, K., H. Kjellberg & J. Hagberg. “Exploring the performativity of marketing: theories, practices and devices” Journal of Marketing Management, 31(1-2): 1-15.

Mattsson, L.-G., D. Corsaro & C. Ramos. ‘Sense-making in business markets–the interplay between cognition, action and outcomes.’ Industrial Marketing Management, 48: 4-11.

Mattsson, L.-G. & A. Tidström. ‘Applying the principles of Yin–Yang to market dynamics: On the duality of cooperation and competition.’ Marketing Theory, 15(3): 347-364.

Melen HĂ„nell, S. & P. Ghauri. ‘Internationalization of Smaller Firms: Opportunity Development through Networks.’ Thunderbird International Business Review. DOI: 10.1002/tie.21763.

Nordin, F., D. Brozovic, C. Kowalkowski & M. Vilgon. ‘CASE: Managing customer relationship gaps at SKF.’ Journal of Business Market Management, 8(2): 455-463.

van der Valk, W. & B. Axelsson. ‘Towards a managerially useful approach to classifying services.’ Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 21(2): 113-124.


Eriksson, K., S. Jonsson, J. Lindbergh & A. Lindstrand. ‘Modeling firm specific internationalization risk: An application to banks’ risk assessment in lending to firms that do international business.’ International Business Review, 23(6): 1074-1085.

MelĂ©n HĂ„nell, S., E. Rovira Nordman & D. Sharma. ‘The continued internationalisation of an international new venture.’ European Business Review, 26(5): 471-490.

Nenonen, S., H. Kjellberg et al. “A new perspective on market change: Market plasticity and the stability-fluidity dialectics.” Marketing Theory 14(3): 269-89.

Ritvala, T., A. Salmi & P. Andersson. ‘MNCs and local cross-sector partnerships: The case of a smarter Baltic Sea.’ International Business Review, 23(5): 942-951.

Rovira Nordman, E. & D. Tolstoy. ‘Does relationship psychic distance matter for the learning processes of internationalizing SMEs?’ International Business Review 23(1): 30-37.

Tolstoy, D. ‘Differentiation in foreign business relationships: A study on small and medium-sized enterprises after their initial foreign market entry.’ International Small Business Journal, 32(1): 17-35.


Alexandersson, G. & K. Rigas. ‘Rail liberalisation in Sweden. Policy development in a European context.’ Research in Transportation Business & Management, 6: 88-98.

Alexandersson, G., S. HultĂ©n, J.-E. Nilsson & R. Pyddoke. ‘The Liberalisation of Railway Passenger Transport in Sweden.’ Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 47(2): 307-312.

Helgesson, C-F & H. Kjellberg. ‘Values and valuations in market practice.’ Journal of Cultural Economy, 6(4): 361-69.

Jonsson, A. & D. Tolstoy. ‘A thematic analysis of research on global sourcing and international purchasing in retail firms.’ International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 42(1): 56-83.

Kjellberg, H., A. Mallard et al. “Valuation studies: Our collective two cents.” Valuation Studies 1 (1).

Mattsson, L.-G. & A. Salmi. ‘The changing role of personal networks during Russian transformation: challenges for Russian management.’ Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 28(3): 190-200.

MelĂ©n HĂ„nell, S., E. Rovira Nordman, D. Tolstoy & D. Sharma. ‘International entrepreneurship research during the last decade: a review.’ Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 7(2): 116-138.

Nilsson, Jan-Eric, Roger Pyddoke, Staffan Hulten & Gunnar Alexandersson. ‘The liberalisation of railway passenger transport in Sweden.’ Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP), 47(2): 307-312.


Geiger, S., H. Kjellberg & R. Spencer. “Shaping exchanges, Building markets.” Consumption, Markets & Culture, 15(2): 1-15.

Kjellberg, H., K. Storbacka et al. “Market futures/future markets” Marketing Theory 12(2): 219-23.

Lindstrand, A., D. Sharma & K. Eriksson. ‘The perceived usefulness of SMEs previous customer networks in the internationalisation process of firms.’ International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 15(3): 285-307.

Rotter, J., N. Özbek & C. Mark-Herbert. ‘Private-public partnerships: corporate responsibility strategy in food retail.’ International Journal of Business Excellence, 5(1-2): 5-20.

Rotter, J., N. Özbek & C. Mark-Herbert. ‘Exploring corporate social responsibility in food retail category management.’ Social business, 2(3): 223-241.

Rovira Nordman, E. ‘The innovative product development of internationalising SMEs.’ International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 9(3): 276-294.


Andersson, Per, Jan Markendahl & Lars-Gunnar Mattsson. ‘Technical development and the formation of new business ventures.‹The case of new mobile payment and ticketing services.’ The IMP Journal, 5(1): 23-41.

Andersson, P., J. Markendahl & L.-G. Mattsson. ‘Global Policy Networks’ Involvement in Service Innovation. Turning the Mobile Phone into a Wallet by Applying NFC Technology.’ The IMP Journal, 5(3): 193-211.

Hallin, C., U. Holm & D. Sharma. ‘Embeddedness of innovation receivers in the multinational corporation: Effects on business performance.’ International Business Review, 20(3): 362-373.

Lindstrand, A., S. MelĂ©n & E. Rovira Nordman. ‘Turning social capital into business: A study of the internationalization of biotech SMEs.’ International Business Review, 20(2): 194-212.

Lindstrand, A. & J. Lindbergh. ‘SMEs' dependency on banks during international expansion.’ International Journal of Bank Marketing, 29(1): 65-83.

Rovira Nordman, E. & D. Tolstoy. ‘Technology innovation in internationalising SMEs.’ Industry and Innovation, 18(7): 669-684.

Selviaridis, K., H. Agndal & B. Axelsson. ‘Business services “in the making”:(De)Stabilisation of service definitions during the sourcing process.’ Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 17(2): 73-86.


Alexandersson, G., S. HultĂ©n, N. Fearnley & F. Longva. ‘Impact of regulation on the performances of long-distance transport services: a comparison of the different approaches in Sweden and Norway.’ Research in Transportation Economics, 29(1): 212-218.

Andersson, P. & L.-G. Mattsson. ‘Temporality of resource adjustments in business networks during severe economic recession.’ Industrial Marketing Management, 39(6): 917-924.

Axelsson, B. ‘Business relationships and networks: reflections on the IMP tradition.’ The IMP Journal, 4(1): 3-30.

Andersson, P.. & L.-G. Mattsson. ‘Temporal Profiles of Activities and Temporal Orientations of Actors as Part of Market Practices in Business Networks.’ The IMP Journal, Vol.4, No 1, 57-78.

Hagberg, J. & H. Kjellberg. “Who performs marketing? Dimensions of agential variation in market practice.” Industrial Marketing Management 39(6): 1028-37.

Harrison, D. & H. Kjellberg. “Segmenting a market in the making: industrial market segmentation as construction.” Industrial Marketing Management 39(5): 784-92.

Heinonen, K., T. Strandvik, K.-J. Mickelsson, B. Edvardsson, E. Sundström, & P. Andersson. ‘A customer-dominant logic of service.’ Journal of Service Management, 21(4): 531-548.

HulthĂ©n, K. & L.-G. Mattsson. ‘Distribution network dynamics: Evolution in the PC distribution network.’ The IMP Journal, 4(3): 170-193.

Kjellberg, H. “Struggling to perform a warehouse – buildings as symbols and tools.” Construction Management and Economics 28(6): 675–94.

Kjellberg, H. & C-F Helgesson. “Political marketing: multiple values, performativities and modes of engaging” Journal of Cultural Economy 3(2): 279-97.

Melen, S. ‘SMEs' knowledge development in foreign markets: the effects of knowledge intensity.’ International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 4(2): 147-162.

Sharma, D. & J. Sallis. ‘Firm Embeddedness: Exploitation and Exploration in Buyer-Supplier Exchange.’ Journal of Euromarketing, 19(2 & 3): 139-158.

Tolstoy, D. ‘Network development and knowledge creation within the foreign market: A study of international entrepreneurial firms.’ Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 22(5): 379-402.

Tolstoy, D. ‘Knowledge combination in networks: evidence from the international venturing of four small biotech firms.’ International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 6(2): 183-202.

Tolstoy, D. & H. Agndal. ‘Network resource combinations in the international venturing of small biotech firms.’ Technovation, 30(1): 24-36.

Winroth, K., J. Blomberg & H. Kjellberg. “Enacting Overlapping Markets: Constructing the Identity of Shares in Investment Banking.” Journal of Cultural Economy 3(1): 3-18.