Pre-conference Program
A PhD training school on “Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Forecasting†will precede the meeting and will be lectured on May 22-23, 2019 by:
Jan G. De Gooijer: Emeritus Professor of Economic Statistics, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Lectures will take place on Wednesday, 22 May between 14:00–18:00 and on Thursday, May 23 between 9:00–13:00 (in total 8 academic hours) at the Stockholm School of Economics and room Eriksson.
Material and lecture notes for the PhD training school are handed out during the lectures.
Course syllabus and course contents.
Participation in the training school is free of charge for PhD students, but registration (no later than April 14) is needed.
Registrate by using the email address: Please write PHD, Pre-conference NEM2019 as the subject of the email. In e-mail we kindly ask you to write your name, school, e-mailaddress were you can be reached (if other then you use to registere) and that you are a PhD-student.