Conferences and Proceedings
BÃ¥ng, M., Svahn, M. and Gustavsson, A., (2009). Persuasive design of a mobile energy conservation game with direct feedback and social cues, DiGRA 2009 Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory.
Gustavsson, A. Bång, M., & Svahn M., (2009) Power Explorer – a casual game style for encouraging long term behaviour change among teenagers International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE 2009).
Lange, F. och R. Wahlund (2000). Consumer Product Choice: Does Product Constellations Matter? Uppsats presenterad vid EMAC:s internationella konferens i Rotterdam, maj.
Svahn, M. (2010) Consumer Perceptions of Additions to Geographic and Social Space Proceedings of the 3rd Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME)
Svahn, M. (2009).Processing Play Perceptions of Persuasion. DiGRA 2009 Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory.
Svahn, M., (2006) Brainwashing is fun! 2:nd Tampere Seminar on Playing Roles.
Svahn, M., (2005). Future-proofing advergaming: a systematisation for the media buyer. Proceedings of the Second Australasian Conference on interactive Entertainment.
Viachka, A. (2013) Comparing firms’ associational strategies across sectors and locations: cluster initiatives as meta-organizations (Fekis 2013)
Peretti P. & Viachka A. (2013), Creating and Sustaining Value in the Book Publishing Industry by adopting new Digital Marketing Strategies. An empirical study of an iconic Italian company, SIM Annual Congress, Milan, Italy, 3-4 October.
Wahlund, R. & A. Marell (1998). Evidence of loss aversion in expectations and attitudes: the Euro case. Uppsats presenterad vid IAAP/IAREP:s internationella kon¬ferens i psykologi i San Francisco, augusti.
Wahlund, R. (1995). Confirmation bias among professionals. Uppsats presenterad vid IAREP’s konferens i Bergen, Augusti.
Wahlund, R & J. Gunnarsson (1995). Subjective Discounting and Household Financial Strategies. Uppsats presenterad vid The IAREP workshop on Household Saving Beha¬vior på Tilburg University, Holland, October 27.
Gunnarsson, J. & R. Wahlund (1994). Household Financial Strategies – they do exist! Uppsats presenterad vid IAREP:s konferens i Rotterdam, Juli.
Gunnarsson, J. & R. Wahlund (1994). Saving behaviour over the life-cycle and time preference in financial strategies. I G. Antonides och W.F. van Raaij, (eds), Proceedings of the IAREP/ SABE conference Integrating views on economic behavior. Rotterdam: Eras¬mus Universitet, pp. 70-88.
Gunnarsson, J. & R. Wahlund (1993). Household Financial Strategies – do they exist? Uppsats presenterad vid IAREP:s konferens i Moskva, Juli.
Wahlund, R. & S. Westerstrand (1993). Young self-employed and risky behavior: tax evasion. Uppsats presenterad vid IAREP:s konferens i Moskva, Juli.
Wahlund, R. (1988). Some experimental studies on framing effects. Uppsats presenterad vid the XXIV International Conference in Psychology i Sydney, Australia.
Wahlund, R. (1988). Perception of and attitudes towards income taxes when marginal tax rates were reduced. Uppsats presenterad vid the XXIV International Conference in Psycho-logy i Sydney, Australia, och vid IAREP:s konferens i Leuven, Belgien.
Wahlund, R. (1987). Does lowering the marginal tax rates matter? I Understanding econo-mic behavior: proceedings for the 12th Annual Colloquium of IAREP, Ebeltoft, Danmark. Ã…rhus School of Economics.
Wärneryd, K-E., P. Davidsson & R. Wahlund (1987). Some Characteristics of Swedish Self-Employed. I Understanding economic behavior: proceedings for the 12th Annual Collo-quium of IAREP, Ebeltoft, Danmark. Århus School of Economics. Research paper 6328. Stockholm: Ekonomiska Forskningsinstitutet vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.
Davidsson, P. & R. Wahlund (1986). Företagare – Hur speciella är de? I H. Bohman & K. Pousette (eds.) Småföretagsforskning i tiden. Proceedings från 4:e Nordiska forskningskonferensen om småföretag i Umeå/Vasa. Umeå Universitet: Institutionen för företagsekonomi.
Wahlund, R. & K-E. Wärneryd (1986). Aggregate saving and the saving behavior of saver groups in Sweden accompanying a tax reform. I Maital, S. (ed.), ECONOMICS and PSY-CHOLOGY: Choice and Exchange, Israel.
Wahlund, R. (1983). The Income Tax System and Working Behavior. Uppsats presenterad vid IAREP:s konferens i Bologna, Italien.