Join SSE and Academic Pride in the Stockholm Pride Parade on August 5
Academic Pride is a collaboration around Stockholm Pride between several of Stockholm’s higher education institutions and their associated student unions. The purpose is to highlight the importance of LGBTQIA+ issues in institutions of higher education, both in research and education as well as inclusive working practices and study environments.
The Pride Parade starts at Norr Mälarstrand at 13.00 but you can also join the Academic Pride pre‑parade event. We will gather in the Atrium at the Stockholm School of Economics, Bertil Ohlins gata 5, at 10.30. Light food and alcohol-free drinks will be served to pre-registered participants. Free t‑shirts, flags and face paint will be handed out on a first-come, first-served basis. no later than Saturday, July 29.
All students, university employees, alumni and partners are welcome to take part to actively show your support for equal rights and opportunities for all. You are also most welcome to join the parade without attending the pre-parade event. Just look for the Academic Pride truck on Norr Mälarstrand or jump into the parade as it passes by (Stadshuset – Hantverkargatan – Stadshusbron – Tegelbacken – Rödbodtorget – Vasagatan – Kungsgatan – Sturegatan – Lidingövägen – Östermalms IP).
Happy Pride!