Generative AI workshop at Accenture
08 November 2023
Accenture Retail Club visited the Accenture head office in central Stockholm for a workshop on AI in Retail.
Private Label at Coop
08 November 2023
Coop's Retail Club had a workshop about Private Label at Coop.
How to meet Gen Z through a PR-campaign at Bemz
08 November 2023
The students in E-commerce Retail Club visited the Bemz' showroom in Stockholm for a workshop on reaching a new target group.
HOI research | Mastering the digital age: the unique resources of family-owned Mittelstand firms
08 November 2023
Family-owned Mittelstand firms, often seen as the backbone of global economic growth, face a unique set of challenges and opportunities in the digital age. Recent research investigates how these firms can leverage their unique resources, including family historical capital, family venture capital, and family collaborative capital, to successfully navigate the digital landscape.
CEO prior corporate bankruptcy experiences and financial risk of their current firms
08 November 2023
New research examines link between the prior corporate bankruptcy experiences of directors and CEOs and the financial risk of their current firms.
Rapportpresentation och paneldiskussion
08 November 2023
Välkomna till paneldiskussion med centrala aktörer för hållbarhetsarbetet tisdag 21 november 2023 på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. I samband med paneldiskussionen presenteras också rapporten "Den fossilfria tjänstepensionen? Aktiva och hållbara val från pensionsspararens perspektiv", författare Nina Waltré, Linda Soneryd och Catharina Lehto.
HOI research | Navigating the digital transformation: the ambidexterity challenge in law firms
07 November 2023
In an era of rapid digitalization, established law firms are grappling with the challenge of embracing new technologies while maintaining their traditional practices. This article explores a recent study that investigates the barriers preventing law firms from fully leveraging digitalization and the concept of ambidexterity, which involves balancing the exploration of new digital opportunities with the exploitation of existing business models.
The EU gas purchasing mechanism: A game-changer or a storm in a teacup?
06 November 2023
In a landmark move amid energy volatility, the EU adopts AggregateEU for joint gas procurement. This brief, written by SITE researchers Chloé Le Coq and Elena Paltseva, evaluates challenges in gas market dynamics following the energy crisis, addressing design issues of this innovative mechanism.
New Article on Cosmopolitanism
03 November 2023
Carl Ritter, researcher at the Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication, has published an article in the Journal of Political Ideologies
Study Visit to Dustin's Warehouse
01 November 2023
The students in Axel Johnson Retail Club had the unique opportunity to visit Dustin's Warehouse in Rosersberg, north of Stockholm.