Peer Reviewed Research Articles
- Wikberg, Erik and StrannegÄrd, Lars (2014) "Selling by Numbers: The Quantification and Marketization of the Swedish Art World for Contemporary Art," Organizational Aesthetics: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, 19-41.
- Werr, A. & StrannegĂ„rd, L. (2013). âDeveloping researching managers and relevant research â the âexecutive research programmeââ, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, DOI:10.1080/14703297.2013.774140.
- NĂ€slund, L. and Pemer, F. (2012) âThe appropriated language: dominant stories as a source of organizational inertia.â Human Relations 65(1): 89-110.
- StrannegĂ„rd, L. & StrannegĂ„rd, M. (2012). âWorks of Art. Aesthetic Ambitions in Design Hotelsâ, Annals of Tourism Research, Volume 39, Issue 4, October 2012, Pages 1995â2012.
- Wikberg, E. & StrannegĂ„rd, L. (2012). âDemarcations and Dirty Money: Financing New Private Contemporary Art Institutions in Swedenâ, Homo Oeconomicus, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 95-118.
- StrannegĂ„rd, L. & Dobers, P. (2010). âA Sustainable Identityâ, Sustainable Development, No 3, April 2010.
- Dobers, P & StrannegÄrd, L. (2009) Design for unsustainability. ReDe: Design Journal, Vol 1, No 1, pp 27-38.
- Johansson, M. and NĂ€slund, L. (2009). "Welcome to Paradise. Customer experience design and emotional labour on a cruise ship." International Journal of Work Organization and Emotion 3(1): 40-55.
- Stenström, E (2008) âWhat Turn Will Cultural Policy Take? The Renewal of the Swedish Modelâ in International Journal of Cultural Policy, Volume 14, Issue 1.
- Stenström, E. (2007) âAnother Kind of Combine: Monogram and the Moderna Museetâ in International Journal of Art History, Volume 76, Issue 1.
- Stenström, E. (2005) âI nöd och lust - om konstiga företag i en estetisk ekonomiâ. Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift, Nr 2.