Roine, Jesper
Office address: Sveavägen 65 (room 937), Box 6501, SE-113 83, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 736 96 82, Fax: +46 8 31 64 22,
Research interests: Income and wealth inequality, Political Economy, Public Economics, Economic development
Short bio: is Adjunct Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and deputy director at Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE). He holds a Ph. D. from Stockholm University (2002). Before joining SITE in 2006 he was research associate at the Deparment of Economics at the school and prior to that Post Doc at STICERD, London School of Economics. He has also been visiting researcher at Northwestern University. Jesper Roines main current research is concerned with income and wealth inequality but he has also published work in political economy, on the welfare state, and on issues relating to natural resources. He is also is also co-founder and regular contributor to .