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Lychnell, Lasse

Affiliated Researcher

Lasse Lychnell (PhD) works in the intersection between leadership, organizational development, and personal development. His research focuses on how leaders integrate insights from meditation into their working lives as well as how mindfulness initiatives in companies may (or may not) contribute to organizational outcomes.

Using action research methodology, he engages in real-life processes with the aim of both facilitating change and generating academic knowledge. Lasse Lychnell is also a photographer and uses visual methods to explore the aesthetic and experiential aspects of connection in leadership. As a teacher, he focuses on the role of personal development in relation to global challenges, sustainable leadership and organizational transformation.

Lasse is a member of the board of Center for Social Sustainability at Karolinska Institute and part of the network Management, Spirituality, and Religion at the Academy of Management.


Being Awake at Work: How Leaders Integrate Insights from Spiritual Development into their Working Lives

Points of Contact: A Photographic Exploration of the Nature of Connection.
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Lychnell, L. (2022). How does emotional intelligence feel? . In E. Ivanova & I. Rimanoczy (Eds.), Revolutionizing Sustainability Education. Stories and Tools of Mindset Transformation. Routledge.

Vieker, K., & Lychnell, L. (2022). “A step forward”. In E. Ivanova & I. Rimanoczy (Eds.), Revolutionizing Sustainability Education. Stories and Tools of Mindset Transformation. Routledge. 

Lychnell, L. (2021). Points of Contact. Organizational Aesthetics, 10(2), 68–69. 

Lychnell, L (2020) Mindfulness-based Intervention in Context: A Case Study of Managers' Experiences and the Role of the Organizational Environment. Dhiman, S. (Ed.) The Routledge Companion of Mindfulness at Work, Routledge.

Lychnell, L. (2020) Being in Business: A Sensemaking Perspective on Spiritual Transformation at Work. Paper accepted to the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 7-11, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Lychnell, L. (2020) Points of Contact. Photographic exhibition. February 8-12, Galleri Greger, Stockholm (SWE)

Lychnell, L. (2019). Dance Meditation: An Experiential Workshop for Exploring Dance As Mindfulness Practice. In Professional Development Workhop presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

Stenström, E., & Lychnell, L. (2018). Från ego till eko: en hållbar ekonomutbildning [From ego to eco: a sustainable education in business and economics]. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 95(2), 192-198. 

Lychnell, L. and P. Mårtensson (2017). Straight from the Heart: A Clinical Group Intervention to Research Management Spirituality. Management Research Review. Vol. 40 No. 8, pp. 870-889

Lychnell, L. (2017). When work becomes meditation: how managers use work as a tool for personal growth. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion. 14(3).

Lychnell, L. (2017). Mindfulness in action: an affordance lens to explore mindfulness-based interventions in organizations. Working paper.

Lychnell, L. (2016). From doing good to being true: a process study of how meditating managers enact nondual experiences in their working lives. Short paper presented at the Eight International Symposium on Process Organization Studies 16-18 June. Corfu, Greece.

Lychnell, L. (2016). Corporate mindfulness as embodied practice: An empirical study of the emergence of mindfulness-related organizational phenomena. Paper presented at the 2016 European Group for Organizational Studies 7-9 July. Neaples, Italy.

Lychnell, L. (2015). Being awake at work: an explorative study of how managers integrate insights from spiritual development with their working life. The Spirituality and Creativity in Management World Congress. Barcelona.

Demir, R., and Lychnell, L.-O., 2015. Mangling the process: a meta-theoretical account of process theorizing. Qualitative Research, 15(1), 85-104.

Mårtensson, P., Lychnell, L.-O., Frelin, J. (2013). Perspektiv på förändring: om en förändringsresa på Sveriges television. Stockholm, SSE Institute for Research.

Lychnell, L.-O. (2010). IT-relaterad verksamhetsförändring. Processer som formar växelspelet mellan utveckling och användning. [IT-related organizational change. Processes shaping the interplay between development and use.]. Department of Information Management. Stockholm, The Economic Research Institute at Stockholm School of Economics (EFI).

Mårtensson, P. and L.-O. Lychnell (2010). Utveckling av ledare och verksamheter. Mönster som ger avtryck. Perspektiv på verksamhetsutveckling. P. Mårtensson and M. Mähring. Stockholm, EFI.

Lychnell, L.-O. (2006). "Och fungerar det inte, gör vi på något annat sätt" - En klinisk fallstudie av IT-relaterat förändringsarbete i småföretag ["And if it doesn't work, we'll try something else" - A Clinical Case Study of IT-related Change Work in Small Firms]. Center for Information Management. Stockholm, EFI vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.