Jonas Colliander is an Associate Professor at the Center for Retailing.
My studies are focused on social media. What is it that shapes our views of social media, and how should companies treat this new phenomenon for marketing purposes? How do consumers respond to marketing through these channels? These are some of the core questions I have sought to contribute to through my research so far and that I am continuously investigating. I am also interested in how political messages are received in social media. This extends to both traditional campaigns as well political communication and deliberate desinformation. Since joining the Center for Retailing I am also continuously investigating the link between social media and e-commerce.
I defended my doctoral dissertation "Socially acceptable? Exploring consumer responses to marketing in social media" in December 2012.
My interest is not strictly limited to social media, however. I currently have projects ongoing within loyalty programs and native advertising. Some selected publications include:
-Colliander, J and Dahlén, M. (2011) “Following the Fashionable Friend, the Power of Social Media: Publicity Effectiveness of Blogs vs Online Magazines” Journal of Advertising Research, March.
-Colliander, J. och Wien, A. (2013) “Trash talk rebuffed: What can we learn from the phenomenon of consumers defending companies criticized in online communities?” European Journal of Marketing. Vol 47 (10).
Colliander, J., Marder, B., Lid Falkman, L., Madestam, J., Modig, E., and Sagfossen, S. (2017) “The Social Media Balancing Act: Testing the Use of a Balanced Self-Presentation Strategy for Politicians Using Twitter” Computers in Human Behaviour,
Marder, B., Archer-Brown, C., Colliander, J. Yau, A and Marchant, C. (2018) "Conspicuous political brand interactions on Social Network Sites”, European Journal of Marketing. 52 (3/4): 702-724.
Colliander, J., Söderlund, M., and Marder, B. (2018) “Watching others receive unearned superior treatment: Examining the effects on tourists who receive less than their peers” Journal of Travel Research.
Colliander, J. (2019) ““This is fake news”: Investigating the role of conformity to other users’ views when commenting on and spreading disinformation in social media.” Computers in Human Behavior.
Stubb, C. and Colliander, J. (2019) “This is not sponsored content” – The effects of impartiality disclosure and e-commerce landing pages on consumer responses to social media influencer posts. Computers in Human Behavior.
Teaching, lecturing and consulting
Besides my research, I am teaching regularly at The Stockholm School of Economics in BSc courses in market research and marketing communications. I was previously responsible for XL, a full semester course in marketing communications, branding and creative business development at the MSc level at the Stockholm School of Economics. Apart from teaching, I am also lecturing and consulting regularly for companies both in Sweden and internationally.