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Berglund, Johan

Assistant Professor
I have been a researcher and teacher at Stockholm School of Economics since 1991. My general research interest is what passes for knowledge in different contexts. One particular area of interest is managerial discourses and professional identities. This is also the area of interest in the dissertation - "The Recurrent Sense of Inadequacy: A Study of HR-managers Struggle for Legitimacy" - which I defended in 2002. Theoretically I am influenced by both a social constructionist perspective and a more critical perspective. In my view questions of knowledge usually raise questions of power.
This theoretical standpoint is at the moment employed and developed in the following projects:
  • HRM
  • The development of Business Schools
  • Leadership and organizing in MMOG:s (Massively Multiplayer Online Games)

I have been teaching mainly in the areas of management, organisation theory, human resource management, qualitative methodology, philosophy of science in courses at all levels: undergraduate students, graduate students, MBAs, Executive MBAs and PhD-students. Furthermore, I have been responsible for the course Organization & Management in Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia. I have also been involved in several executive educational programs both as a teacher and program director.