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Sports Committee

The Sports Committee (IdU) in SASSE (Student Association at the Stockholm School of Economics) is the place where elites and amateurs, new as well as old students, gather to play sports and have fun together. We also go to tournaments abroad an in Sweden, arrange football tournaments, sports pubs, ski trips, and more!

The Sports Committee is responsible for the Activate part in the SSE Sport Initiative. Furthermore, together with the Center for Sports and Business, they also co-organize the Sports & Business Week.

Weekly Practices 

The Sports Committee offers a variety of sports to attend every week. The practices are posted weekly in the SASSE Calendar. Further, you are also able to follow the different teams in their Facebook groups. For membership of the Sports Committee you pay 150 SEK per year which gives you access to all the practices. 

Weekly practices are offered in, among others: 

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Cheerleading
  • Bouldering
  • Endurance
  • Tough Viking
  • Golf 
  • Tennis
  • Padel 
  • Volleyball
  • Boxing 
  • Dance 


Some of the teams go on tournaments both abroad and within Sweden. On these occasions they represent the Student Association in a number of sports and compete against other universities and business schools, and always come home with new trophies for their shelf at the Sports Committee. 

Tournaments include Maastricht and Koblenz. 

Sports & Business Day

Together with the Center for Sports & Business at SSE, the Sports Committee co-arrange a career fair for all of those who are interested to combine a business education within sports. 

Sports Pubs 

Not only does the Sports Committee love playing sports, but they also watch them. Every now and then they watch a big game in the pub. 

We are a bunch of boys and girls that think basketball is amazingly fun. Some of us have played before but there are also beginners on our weekly practices. Previous skill level is not important. Come join us and have great fun!
SASSE Basketball (Facebook: SASSE Basketball Team)
Being part of the Cheerleading Team means attending awesome weekly practices and feeling the team spirit with your best friends. We are cheering for the other SASSE teams both in Sweden and abroad, as well as competing towards other high-end university cheerleading teams around Europe. Do not miss the chance of having the time of your life, while getting a great work-out. We are a mixed team with all genders and no previous experience is needed.
SASSE Cheerleading (Facebook: SASSE Cheerleading)
SASSE Endurance is the club within the Sports Committee for running, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing and other endurance sports. Our activities vary with the seasons and with the interests of active members, but we always have a weekly run that welcomes everyone regardless of fitness and experience. Whether you are interested in trying out an endurance sport for the first time or are actively competing in one, SASSE Endurance is the club for you!
SASSE Endurance (Facebook: SASSE Endurance)
Come and play some indoor football with us! Whether you have played before or are a beginner, you are more than welcome. So, forget about the school for some hours and get fit today! We also compete in national (Korpen) tournaments as well as international tournaments with the rest of the Sports Committee.
SASSE Football (Facebook: SASSE Football)
The Sports Committee offers you tennis training once a week. There will also be opportunities to compete, both national and international!
SASSE Tennis (Facebook: SASSE Tennis)
Are you a tough viking? Or do you want to be one? Join the team and participate in The Toughest Obstacle Race in Scandinavia, held in May each year from Stockholm Stadion. We work out together weekly at Friskis & Svettis Sveavägen in preparation for the race, and together we will make sure that everyone crosses the finish line!
SASSE Tough Viking (Facebook: SASSE Tough Viking)
Welcome to the Volleyball team! We play once a week and you are of course more than welcome. We are a mixed team with all genders and different levels of experience. No previous experience is needed!
SASSE Volleyball (SASSE Volleyball)

Current President of the Sports Committe: 

Tova Isberg, iduordf@sasse.se 


Mens Sana in Corpore Sano - a healthy mind in a healthy body