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Broadened recruitment

At SSE, we actively work for increased diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion of everyone on all program levels.

Swedish Higher Education Act

According to the Swedish Higher Education Act, all higher education institutions have an obligation to actively broaden the recruitment to higher education.

Increasing the recruitment of underrepresented groups has been an important topic since the 1930s. The biggest challenge remains attracting students from non-academic households (often referred to as underrepresented social backgrounds).

SSE's definition of broadened recruitment and widened participation

"For SSE, broadened recruitment means actively working for a student population with balance between the genders, geographical spread both nationally and internationally, and different social backgrounds. 

All SSE students should feel welcome and included regardless of their social background, age, sexual orientation, disability, gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity or origin, and religion or other beliefs." 

We have actively chosen a broad and extensive definition to emphasize the importance of all these areas at SSE. We have high ambitions and know that a great deal of engagement and persistence is required in order to succeed. As an institution, we are humble to the fact that we do indeed have a lot of work ahead of us. However, we are convinced that clear and ambitious goals are essential for our work with broadened recruitment.

Recruitment of underrepresented groups

SSE's work with broadened recruitment focuses on students from groups and areas that are today underrepresented at SSE. We have several collaborations and initatives for broadened recruitment, with one example being the student ambassador program. Within the program, Swedish and international secondary school and upper secondary school students are invited to the SSE's campus. The student ambassadors also visits a large number of Swedish schools every year.

One other example is our work with role models, such as alumni, where we highlight the diversity in interests, opportunities and career choices among our students.

Initiatives and collaborations

  • F1RST
  • BSc & MSc student ambassadors
  • Study counsellor network
  • Alternative admission paths (BSc programs): alternativt urval and särskilda meriter
  • Scholarships for underrepresented groups: there are several scholarships to cover living expenses during the entire study time for students from underrepresented backgrounds.
  • : SSE is a member of Include since 2020. Include is a national network for broadened recruitment. The network organizes conferences and meetings and also aims to influence Swedish politics regarding broadened recruitment.
  • GMAT fee waivers (MSc programs) to assist economically disadvantaged candidates

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager

In 2015, SSE employed a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager with the overarching responsibility for working with these issues internally (students, staff, and faculty) as well as externally. Read more here.

Questions about broadened recruitment?

Do you have questions about SSE's work with broadened recruitment or suggestions for future collaborations? 

Contact Simone Westergård, Recruitment Manager - BSc Programs, at simone.westergard@hhs.se.