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Literary Agenda FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the SSE reading project Literary Agenda.

file[48].jpegOne of the groups discussing Purge by Sofi Oksanen during the first year of Literary Agenda.

What is the Literary Agenda?

The Literary Agenda is an initiative now in it´s fifth year that gives students, faculty and staff the opportunity to participate in book circles, author’s talks and literary workshops. The aim is to promote self-reflection, empathy and cultural literacy as well as promoting a sense of community at the school.

We read seven books a year (Aug-June) based on a schedule, and we discuss the books in book circles with around 10 people in each circle. The groups are formed with a mix of students from different levels together with staff, faculty and PhD students.

Each member of the initiative receives the books for free and are provided free meals for the book circle discussions from the SSE cafeteria. 

The initiative is financed by Stiftelsen Natur & Kultur and Mc Kinsey & Company.

We hope the literature in the Literary Agenda opens up new worlds for students, helping them see circumstances from other people’s perspectives. Future leaders will need this empathy and capacity for reflection,” says SSE President Lars Strannegård.


Sign up: and then what happens?

After you have signed up, you will be given a circle leader. The circle leader is the person who, together with the group, decide on when and where to meet, and is also your contact and he or she will give you information about author talks, workshops and other things connected to Literary Agenda.


What are we reading next year (2023/2024)?

Abdulrazak Gurna - By the sea (Vid havet). Original language English.

Andrej Kurkov, Grey bees (Grå bin). Original language Russian.

Ann-Helén Laestadius, Stolen (Stöld). Original language Swedish.

David Sedaris, Calypso. Original language English.

Ia Genberg, The details (Detaljerna). Original language Swedish.

Lea Ypi, Free (Fri). Original language English.

Mohsin Hamid, The last white man (Den siste vite mannen). Original language English.

Where can I pick up the books?

Pick up the books in the SSE Library, next to the reception. Your circle leader will give you a notice on when the books arrive.

Can I attend digitally?

Your book circle leader together with the group will decide on this.

How are the books chosen?

The books are selected by an advisory board. The members of the board 2023/2024 are Eva Bonnier, publisher, Anton Gustavsson, publisher, Jack Hildén, author, Cilla Naumann, author, Maria Schottenius, PhD and literary critic, professor Lars Strannegård, President of the Stockholm School of Economics, Literary Agenda´s Tinni Ernsjöö Rappe and a student representative (this year it was Douglas Bengtsson).

How to get the Literary Certificate

Each student who read five out of seven books, attend five out of seven circle discussions and write a reflection paper will be awarded the SSE Literary Certificate. The Literary Agenda participation will show in your degree certificate under Formal Extracurricular Activities.

Instructions for the reflections paper will be given via e-mail to everyone i the Literary Agenda in the spring.



I am an alumni – can I join?


If you just graduated (one or two years ago) from SSE and if you are interested in becoming a circle leader or a member of a group, please e-mail literaryagenda@hhs.se