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Library Rules & Guidelines

All students, researchers and employees at SSE can borrow from the library, as well as anyone over 18 years with a complete Swedish personal number.

Borrowing Regulations

Normal loans are for 30 days, for all users.

The Course Literature Collection (KBX), the Career Center Collection (CC) and the Methodology Collection (M) loans are for 7 days for students, faculty and staff at SSE. Other users can only read these books on site at the SSE Library.

Your loan will be renewed automatically, if no other user has made a reservation. Short Loans (7 days) are renewed for a maximum of 3 months. Normal loans are renewed for a maximum of 6 months for most users, and for 12 months for faculty, PhD students and staff.

If another patron makes a reservation for one of your loans, the loan will not be renewed and must be returned. Reserved items returned late will be charged a late fee.

A fee of 10 SEK per book and day is charged on all reserved items returned late. The maximum fine amount per item is 250 SEK.

If your accumulated fees equal 100 SEK or more, you will be blocked from further loans until the fees are paid in full.

If you have not returned a reserved item, you will be blocked from further loans until the reserved item is returned.

Borrowers have an obligation to return all borrowed items without delay undamaged.

For unreturned reserved items or items that have reached the maximum number of renewals, claims will be issued after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. After 35 days the item will be declarered as ”Lost”. At this point you will be charged a lost item fee of 100 SEK and you are blocked from further loans until your fees are paid in full and the item is returned or replaced.

Any change of name or address must be changed by the borrower or relayed to the SSE Library Customer Services Desk.

New borrowers may apply for a library card via the SSE Library Customer Services Desk.

The Library retains the right to under special conditions recall borrowed items before the due date.

The Library has the right to charge a borrower one month after an unheeded recall notice. The borrower is liable both for the replacement cost of an unreturned item and an administrative charge. This charge is also applicable to damaged and lost items. If the item is part of a series which cannot be bought in individual parts, the borrower is liable for the cost of the whole series.

The Library Director has the right to suspend a borrower who does not follow the loan regulations.

Regulations regarding TDM

TDM is short for “Text and data mining” and refers to the process of deriving information from digital text or other data sources. By extracting the information and combining it in different ways, it’s possible to identify patterns or trends. A fundamental prerequisite for TDM is access to extensive sets of data.

Most databases, especially the aggregated ones, have strict regulations regarding TDM and similar processes. It is not allowed to make systematic downloads using crawlers, scraping or scripts. If someone uses the data in a way that violates the license agreement, access to that database can be blocked for all SSE users.

We support making licensed data available for TDM, but as stated, not all our subscribed databases allow researchers and students to use data for this purpose.

If you are considering working with TDM – always contact the library first. We will be happy to support you with questions regarding license agreements, copyright, etc. For instance, some distributors offer extended services for TDM projects and in those cases, we can act as an intermediary between the researcher and the supplier