Opening hours and contact
Pop-up library: General information
During 2025, the library is undergoing renovations and temporarily closed. A pop-up library is provided for students and staff. Reserved books and materials are available for pick-up
The pop-up library will remain throughout 2025 until the renovations are complete.
On the entrance floor at Saltmätargatan, an access card is required to enter the building.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday
07.00 - 10.00: Self-service only
10.00 - 15.00: Staffed
15.00 - 21.00: Self-service only
07.00 - 21:00: Self-service only
The pop-up library is limited to staff and students, an access card is required to enter the building.
Pop-up library: Resources and Services
Library Info Desk
Library staff is on hand during opening hours to assist with any questions or support you may need.
Course Books
All course books in our collection can be borrowed as usual, regular borrowing regulations apply.
Pick-up Shelf
Reserved books and materials is available for pick-up.
Book a librarian
Our instruction librarians are available for appointments. Reserve a timeslot.
Student IT Support (SITS)
SITS is located at the pop-up library, continuing to provide their usual services.
Returning books
You can return books in the pop-up during opening hours. Another book drop is placed in Atriet, behind the Info Center. The entrance is located at Bertil Ohlins Gata 4.
Frequently Asked Questions
The EIKON computer
The EIKON computer will be moved to the pop-up library, time slots will be available for booking as usual.
Request interlibrary loans
We are ordering interlibrary loans for students and staff as usual, you'll find more information about interlibrary loans here.
Literary agenda books
The literary agenda books can be picked up at the pop-up library.
Printing or copying
There is a printer in the library and SITS are there to help if you have any issues printing.
Contact us
Phone: 08-736 90 00
Chat: An icon is visible at the right edge of your screen when we are available.