Past events
Do households and banks take too big risks when they fund mortgages?
Time: 08:00-09:15 AM
Location: Swedish House of Finance, Drottninggatan 98, 4th floor -
SNS/SHOF Finance panel: What can be done when bank lending is constrained?
Time: 08:00-09:15 AM
Location: SNS, Jakobsbergsgatan 18, Stockholm -
SNS/SHoF Finance panel: What will Basel III mean for Sweden?
Time: 08:00-09:30 AM
Location: SNS, Jakobsbergsgatan 18, Stockholm -
The 2016 recipients of the Nobel Price in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel at the Swedish House of Finance
Time: 10:30-00:00 AM
SNS/SHoF Finance panel: IMF on the Swedish financial system: What needs to be done?
Time: 08:00-10:00 AM
Location: SNS, Jakobsbergsgatan 18, Stockholm -
Hur ska skattebetalarna skriva kontrakt med privata uppdragstagare?
Time: 08:00-09:30 AM
Location: Swedish House of Finance, Drottninggatan 98, 4th floor -
SNS/SHoF Finance Panel: Game over – The Inside Story of the Greek Crisis
Time: 08:00-09:15 AM
Location: SNS, Jakobsbergsgatan 18, Stockholm -
Pension Promises: The Solvency Effects of Low Interest Rates
Time: 15:00-17:00 PM
Location: Swedish House of Finance, Drottninggatan 98, 4th floor -
Women in Finance day 18th October 2016, Stockholm
Time: 08:30-15:00 PM
Location: Swedish House of Finance, Drottninggatan 98, 4th floor. -
Sweden’s house prices and private indebtedness: which new policy measures are needed – and when?
Time: 09:00-12:30 PM
Location: Stockholm School of Economics, Room 550, Sveavägen 65, Stockholm