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Harnessing Finance for Climate: A Conversation on Impact Investing with Adair Morse
Regulators play a crucial role in driving sustainable investments in financial markets. We interviewed Professor Adair Morse, from Haas School of Business, a leading expert on impact investing and...
Research Analyst Positions at the Swedish House of Finance
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Call for Papers: 12th National PhD Workshop in Finance
The Swedish House of Finance (SHoF) will organize the 12th National Workshop for PhD students in Finance on October 18-19. The workshop offers students from Swedish academic institutions the...
Are recessions a good time to start a business?
Recessions are often seen as a bad environment for startups but new research suggests that economic downturns can positively impact the survival and growth prospects of innovative ventures. What fuels...
What drives the rise in equity value, and where is it headed?
NYU's Sydney Ludvingson discusses drivers of equity value growth, the risks associated with high valuations and rising interest rates, and how policymakers and investor can mitigate those risks.
Research assistant / pre-doc position at the Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics
The application deadline has passed.
The growth of finance is not remarkable- study
Finance’s share of total compensation in the US economy is not as exceptional as previously thought; its growth and trajectory has been similar to other high-skill service industries, a study found.
2023 Summer Internship with SHoF
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Research analyst / pre-doc position in Sustainable Finance
The application deadline has passed.
Annual Report 2022: Finance during turbulent times
Learn more about Swedish House of Finance’s research and its role as Sweden’s national research center for financial economics. The 2022 report features some of the research that is being carried out...