The science behind the roadblocks to women’s academic career in financial economics
Oct. 11, 2023
Swedish House of Finance premieres a short video entitled "Sidelined in Science" that sheds light on the science behind the obstacles that women encounter in academia, as well as some solutions that can help overcome some of the hurdles.

In recent years, even with heightened initiatives, the representation of women in financial economic academia remains notably low. Swedish House of Finance's Women in Finance database indicates that a mere 22% of researchers in our field are female, of which only 13% hold full professorships. It is especially concerning that there is relatively slow to no progression over time compared to other social sciences and STEM fields.
With the objective of addressing this complex issue from a fresh perspective, the Swedish House of Finance has produced two short videos. The first movie captures academic evidence of several obstacles that women face during their academic careers. The second movie gathers ideas on what we can do.
Together these films will serve as the catalyst to initiate discussions and help guide our collective efforts during the workshop towards a practical action plan.
Alice Wu, Ph.D. candidate in Economics, Harvard University
Alicia Modestino, Associate Professor, Northeastern University
Anusha Chari, Professor of Economics and Finance, University of North Carolina
Eric Bettinger, the Conley-DeAngelis Family Professor of Education, Stanford University
Heather Tookes, Professor of Finance, Yale School of Management
Jan Sauerman, Associate Professor, Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU)
Janet Curie, the Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University
Jenna Stearns, Associate Professor of Economics, University of California Davis
Justin Wolfers, Professor of Economics, University of Michigan
Pascaline Dupas, Kleinheinz Family Professor in International Studies, Stanford University
Patricia Funk, Professor of Economics, Università della Svizzera italiana
Renée Adams, Professor of Finance, Said Business School, University of Oxford
Stefano DellaVinga, Daniel E. Koshland, Sr. Distinguished Professor of Economics and Professor of Business Administration, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley