Program and Slides
Each paper has 35 minutes, which are divided as follows 20 min for the presentation 10 min for the discussion 5 min for the presenter to respond to the discussant and take questions from the audience.
16:00-16:05 “Virtual” welcome address
16:05-18:00 Session 1 - Chair: Riccardo Sabbatucci (Stockholm School of Economics)
16:05-16:40 In Search of the Origins of Financial Fluctuations: The Inelastic Markets Hypothesis
Authors and Presenter (*): *Xavier Gabaix (Harvard University) and Ralph S.J. Koijen
(University of Chicago)
Discussant: Alan Moreira (University of Rochester)
16:40-17:15 The Cross-Section of Risk and Returns
Slides from Presentation
Authors and Presenter (*): *Kent Daniel (Columbia Business School), Lira Mota (Columbia
Business School), Simon Rottke (University of Amsterdam), and Tano Santos (Columbia
Business School)
Discussant: Seth Pruitt (Arizona State University)
Slides from Discussion
17.15-17:25 Coffee break and Zoom breakout rooms
17:25-18:00 Household Portfolio Underdiversification and Probability Weighting: Evidence from the Field
Authors and Presenter (*): Stephen G. Dimmock (Nanyang Technological University), Roy
Kouwenberg (Erasmus University), Olivia S. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania), and
*Kim Peijnenburg (EDHEC Business School)
Discussant: Anastasia Girshina (Stockholm School of Economics)
Session 2 - Chair: Adrien d’Avernas (Stockholm School of Economics)
16:00-16:35 Dynamic Banking and the Value of Deposits
Authors and Presenter (*): Patrick Bolton (Columbia University), *Ye Li (Ohio State University),
Neng Wang (Columbia Business School), and Jinqiang Yang (Shanghai University of Finance
and Economics)
Discussant: Cyril Monnet (University of Bern)
16:35-17:10 Exchange Rates and Asset Prices in a Global Demand System
Authors and Presenter (*): Ralph S.J. Koijen (University of Chicago) and *Motohiro Yogo
(Princeton University)
Discussant: Lukas Schmid (Duke University)
Slides from Discussion
17.10-17:25 Coffee break and Zoom breakout rooms
17:25-18:00 Why is Dollar Debt Cheaper? Evidence from Peru
Authors and Presenter (*): Bryan Gutierrez (Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros, y AFPs),
Victoria Ivashina (Harvard Business School), and *Juliana Salomao (University of Minnesota)
Discussant: Zhengyang Jiang (Northwestern University)
Slides from Discussion
Session 3 - Chair: Tatyana Marchuk (BI Norwegian Business School)
16:00-16:35 Repo Spikes
Authors and Presenter (*): *Adrien d’Avernas (Stockholm School of Economics) and Quentin
Vandeweyer (European Central Bank)
Discussant: Moritz Lenel (Princeton University)
16:35-17:10 Central Banking with Many ϳԹs: The Communications Arms Race
Authors and Presenter (*): *Annette Vissing-Jorgensen (University of California Berkeley)
Discussant: Adi Sunderam (Harvard Business School)
17.10-17:25 Coffee break and Zoom breakout rooms
17:25-18:00 Asset Pricing with a CEO
Authors and Presenter (*): Paul Ehling (BI Norwegian Business School), Alessandro Graniero
(BI Norwegian Business School), and *Patrick Konermann (BI Norwegian Business School)
Discussant: Stavros Panageas (University of California Los Angeles)
18:00 Concluding remarks