2021 Summer Internship with SHoF
Nordic Compass - Your key to navigating corporate competitive advantage
Describing the past or predicting the future?
Fama-French (FF) and Carhart factors are now available for the Swedish market in a new database available at the Swedish House of Finance Data Center. Factors are updated continuously and open to the...
The Master Thesis Award 2020 goes to...
Martin Warin & Jakob Kalbe for their joint thesis: "Dressed for Long-Term Success - Evidence from Sweden Regarding the Long-Term Value Creation of Private Equity Sponsors".
The Data Center publishes historical archive of stocks list for the Stockholm Stock Exchange
The Stockholm Fondbörs (Stockholm Stock Exchange) Official Stocklist historical archive is allowing the users to explore the history of over 90 years of daily data of Swedish listed companies stock...
7.1 MSEK in new research grants from Vinnova!
We are happy to announce four new research grants (total 7,1 MSEK) within Vinnovaā€™s latest call: ā€¯Research on Financial Markets, 2019".
The Master Thesis Award 2019 goes to...
ā€¯The influence of M&A advisors on pre-bid run-ups: A quantitative study of 225 Swedish public takeover bids between 1999 and 2017ā€¯.
Unique database now available to the research community
Increasing knowledge about the Swedish stock market. By providing data from the Swedish setting FinBas facilitates a growing knowledge of Swedish history and insights useful also in todayā€™s setting.
Summer internship positions with Resility at Swedish House of Finance
Resility is seeking several highly-qualified and dedicatedgraduate students to intern for seven weeks, starting on July1st and ending on August 16th, specifically working on theNordic Compass research...
Grant from Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation
We gratefully acknowledge a generous contribution of 12 MSEK from Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation to our National Financial Research Data Center.
An important piece of Swedish history
From the start in 1968 at the Stockholm School of Economics, the financial database FinBas has served both academics and practitioners. It has since grown into a complete history of the Swedish stock...